CPYF (Copy File) syntax diagram

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec
Threadsafe: Conditional; see Restrictions
            | .-*LIBL/--------.            |
   |           .-*FIRST---------------.    |
   |         .-*FIRST------.    |
   |         (2)   .-*NONE----.    |
   |          (2)   .-*NO--.    |
   |         .-*NONE----------------.    |
   |         | .------------------. |    |
   |         | V             (4)  | |    |
   |          .-*ONLY--------------.    |
   |           .-*START-----------------.            (5)   .-*END-----------------.    |
   '-FROMKEY(--| FROMKEY Details |--)--TOKEY(--| TOKEY Details |--)--------------------'
   |          (6)   .-*END--------------.    |
   |           .-*NONE------------------------------------------------------------------.    |
   |          .-*NONE----------------------------------------------------------------------.    |
   |          | .------------------------------------------------------------------------. |    |
   |          | V             (7)                                            (8) (9)     | |    |
                     +-*IF--+                   '-+-*EQ-+--+-*NULL-------+-'
                     +-*AND-+                     +-*LE-+  '-field-value-'
                     '-*OR--'                     +-*GE-+
   |          .-*NONE--------------------.    |
              | .----------------------. |
              | V                (10)  | |
   |          .-*SAME-----------------.    |
   |          | .-------------------. |    |
   |          | V             (10)  | |    |
   |         (11)   .-1.00-----------.  .-1.00------------.    |
   |          .-*CHAR-.    |
   |          .-0----------------.    |
   |           (12)   .-*YES-.    |
   |                      (13)                 |
   |             .-------------------.         |
   |             V                   |    (8)  |
TOKEY Details
   |                                   (13)          | (14)
   |             .-------------------------.         |
   |             V                   (13)  |    (8)  |


  1. If TOFILE(*PRINT) is specified, either *FIRST or *FROMMBR must be specified on theTOMBR parameter.

  2. If CRTFILE(*YES) is specified and the to-file does not exist, a library-name (not *LIBL) must be specified for the TOFILE parameter and MBROPT(*ADD) is assumed. If the to-file is an existing physical file, the MBROPT value must be either *ADD or *REPLACE.

  3. All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

  4. A maximum of 2 repetitions.

  5. If TORCD is specified, NBRRCDS cannot be specified.

  6. If NBRRCDS is specified, neither TORCD nor TOKEY can be specified.

  7. *IF can be specified the first time only; either *AND or *OR must be specified when repeating selections.

  8. A maximum of 50 repetitions.

  9. Only the operators *EQ and *NE are allowed if *NULL is specified.

  10. A maximum of 2 repetitions.

  11. When SRCSEQ is specified, SRCOPT is required.

  12. COMPRESS(*NO) is not allowed with TOFILE(*PRINT), and requires the default value for the INCCHAR and INCREL parameters. COMPRESS(*NO) is not allowed when copying from a delete capable file to a non-delete capable file.

  13. A maximum of 256 characters can be specifed.

  14. If TOKEY is specified, NBRRCDS cannot be specified.