CLOF (Close File)
The Close File (CLOF) command closes a database file opened with the Open Database File (OPNDBF) or Open Query File (OPNQRYF) commands.
- This command is only used to close a file that is opened by the OPNDBF or OPNQRYF command.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the name used on the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) or the Open Database File (OPNDBF) for identifying this open identifier (OPNID). This OPNID is specified when closing this file. It cannot be reused without first closing this file.
Example for CLOF
CLOF OPNID(APPL)This command closes a database file that was opened with APPL as the OPNID. The file was previously opened using the OPNDBF or OPNQRYF command with APPL specified (or defaulted) as the OPNID.
Error messages for CLOF
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPF4519
- Member &3 file &1 not closed.
- CPF4520
- No file open with identifier &4.