CHGOWN (Change Owner)
The Change Owner (CHGOWN) command transfers object ownership from one user to another. The authority that other users have to the object does not change.
The owner of an object always has all the authorities applicable to the object unless they are explicitly revoked. The new owner is given all of the authorities to the object when the ownership is changed. The owner of an object has the authority to grant any authorities to any user for that object. Owners can also grant to themselves authorities that were previously revoked. Owners may, for example, remove some of their specific authorities as a precautionary measure, and then, when the need arises, grant those same authorities to themselves again.
A user with *ALLOBJ has complete authority for all objects and can transfer the ownership of any object. All users have add and delete authorities for their own user profiles; that is, users can add objects to, or delete objects (that they created) from their own user profiles by transferring the ownership of the object.
For more information about integrated file system commands, see Integrated file system topic in the File systems and management category of the Information Center.
- To transfer ownership of an object in the QSYS.LIB or independent ASP QSYS.LIB > file system, have all of the following:
- Object existence authority for the object
- Object operational and object existence authorities if the object is a file, library, or subsystem description
- *ALLOBJ special authority or ownership if the object is an authorization list
- Add authority for the new owner's user profile
- Delete authority for the present owner's user profile
- Changing the ownership of an object that has an authority holder associated with it also changes the ownership of the authority holder.
- You must have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities to change the object owner of a program that adopts authority.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the path name of the object that is being assigned to the new owner. See path names for more information on specifying path names.
- Specifies the name of the user to whom the object is being assigned. The user profile must already exist.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies whether the authorities for the current owner are revoked when ownership is transferred to the new owner specified in the NEWOWN parameter.
*YES: The authorities for the current owner are revoked when the object is transferred to the new owner.
*NO: The current owner's authority is not changed when the object is transferred to the new owner.
- Specifies whether to change the ownership of the object or the symbolic link to the object.
*NO: The ownership of the object, not the symbolic link to the object, is changed.
*YES: If the object for which ownership is changing is a symbolic link, the ownership of the symbolic link is changed instead of changing the ownership of the object that the symbolic link points to.
Example for CHGOWN
CHGOWN OBJ('/QSYS.LIB/USERLIB.LIB/PROGRAM1.PGM') NEWOWN(ANN)This command assigns ownership of the program named PROGRAM1, located in the user library named USERLIB, to the user named ANN. The authority is revoked from the current owner.
Error messages for CHGOWN
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPDA080
- User profile name too long.
- CPE3101
- A non-recoverable I/O error occurred.
- CPE3408
- The address used for an argument was not correct.
- CPE3418
- Possible APAR condition or hardware failure.
- CPE3474
- Unknown system state.
- Error occurred while attempting to obtain space.
- Object name not a directory.
- Function not supported by file system.
- An input or output error occurred.
- Information passed to this operation was not valid.
- Path name resolution causes looping.
- Too many open files for process.
- Too many open files.
- Path name too long.
- Object not found.
- Requested operation not allowed. Access problem.
- Buffer overflow occurred.
- CCSID &1 not valid.
- Error occurred with path name parameter specified.
- Function was interrupted.
- File system error occurred.
- Path name cannot begin with *.
- Pattern not allowed in path name directory.
- CPFA085
- Home directory not found for user &1.
- CPFA086
- Matching quote not found in path name.
- CPFA087
- Path name contains null character.
- CPFA088
- Path name pattern not valid.
- Not authorized to object.
- Error occurred in program &1.
- Object in use.
- Object damaged.
- CPFA091
- Pattern not allowed in user name.
- CPFA092
- Path name not converted.
- CPFA093
- Name matching pattern not found.
- CPFA094
- Path name not specified.
- CPF1F05
- Directory handle not valid.
- CPF1F41
- Severe error occurred while addressing parameter list.
- Value for number of directory entries not valid.
- CPF1F53
- Value for length of data buffer not valid.
- CPF220A
- New owner &1 does not have a uid.
- CPF2203
- User profile &1 not correct.
- CPF2204
- User profile &1 not found.
- CPF2213
- Not able to allocate user profile &1.
- CPF2217
- Not authorized to user profile &1.
- CPF2225
- Not able to allocate internal system object.
- CPF9801
- Object &2 in library &3 not found.
- CPF9802
- Not authorized to object &2 in &3.
- CPF9803
- Cannot allocate object &2 in library &3.
- CPF223A
- Not all objects changed.
- Path Type value is not valid.