CHGNTPA (Change Network Time Protocol Attributes)
CHGNTPA Command syntax diagram
The Change Network Time Protocol Attributes (CHGNTPA) command is used to change configurable Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client attributes. The changes take effect the next time the SNTP client is started either by the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command or by the Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) command.
Restrictions: You must have *IOSYSCFG special authority to use this command.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies whether to start the SNTP client automatically when TCP/IP is started by the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command or by specifying SERVER(*AUTOSTART) on the Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) command.
If the SNTP client is started by specifying SERVER(*NTP) or SERVER(*ALL) on the STRTCPSVR command, the SNTP client is started regardless of the value of this parameter.
*SAME: The AUTOSTART value does not change if it was previously set. Otherwise, *NO is used.
*NO: Do not automatically start the SNTP client.
*YES: Automatically start the SNTP client.
- Specifies the remote system name to which the SNTP client needs to contect for the time service. The remote system name must be valid, and the system must be able to communicate with the local system. The user can assign names to an internet address with the Work with TCP/IP host table entries option on the Configure TCP/IP menu (CFGTCP command). Also, a remote name server can be used to map remote system names to internet addresses. Use the Change TCP/IP domain information option on the CFGTCP menu to specify a remote name server.
*SAME: The remote system name does not change if it was previously set. *SAME is not a valid parameter value if the remote system has never been previously set.
NTP-server-host-name: Specify the host name of the NTP time server system.
NTP-server-internet-address: Specify the internet address of the NTP time server system.
- Specifies the time interval, in minutes, after which the SNTP client will connect to the NTP time server in order to determine if the iSeries 400 software clock needs correction.
*SAME: The polling interval does not change if it was previously set. Otherwise, 60 is used.
polling-interval: Specify the number of minutes to use as the polling interval.
- The threshold, in milliseconds, between the NTP server time and the local software clock time. When the difference is below this value, the local software clock will not be adjusted.
*SAME: The minimum adjustment does not change if it was previously set. Otherwise, 100 is used.
minimum-adjustment-threshold: Specify the number of milliseconds to use as the software clock minimum adjustment threshold.
- The threshold, in minutes, between the NTP server time and the local software clock time. When the difference is above this value, the local software clock will not be adjusted.
*SAME: The maximum adjustment does not change if it was previously set. Otherwise, 20 is used.
maximum-adjustment-threshold: Specify the number of minutes to use as the software clock maximum adjustment threshold.
- Specifies the activities which cause logging to be done. Log entries are written to a file named QTOTxxxxxxx in directory /QIBM/UserData/OS400/TCPIP/NTP, where 'xxxxxxx' is a 7-digit date value in 'cyymmdd' format. Logging entries are written to the file whose name matches the date associated with the entry.
*SAME: The activity logging value does not change if it was previously set. Otherwise, *NONE is used.
*NONE: No logging will be done.
*CHANGE: Logging will be done only when an adjustment is made on the software clock.
*POLL: Logging will occur every time the NTP server sends a valid time value to the SNTP client.
Examples for CHGNTPA
Example 1: Setting the Remote Time Server System
CHGNTPA RMTSYS(AAAA.BBBBB.CCC)This command sets the NTP server system to be host name AAAA.BBBBB.CCC.
Example 2: Setting Time Adjustment Thresholds
CHGNTPA MINADJ(50) MAXADJ(10)This command sets the minimum adjustment threshold to 50 milliseconds and the maximum adjustment threshold to 10 minutes. If the time value returned from the NTP server system is more than 50 milliseconds and less than 10 minutes different from the local software clock, the local software clock will be adjusted.
Error messages for CHGNTPA
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPF0011
- Error detected by prompt override program.
- TCP15A5
- Error accessing member &3
- TCP15A6
- Attribute file keyword &4 missing
- TCP1901
- Internet address &1 not valid.
- TCP1903
- Specified host name not valid.
- TCP264D
- Error occurred processing file.
- TCP8050
- *IOSYSCFG authority required to use &1.
- TCP9133
- NTP attributes not changed.
- TCP9503
- File &3 in library &2 not available.
- TCP9999
- Internal system error in program &1.