CHGNETJOBE (Change Network Job Entry)

CHGNETJOBE Command syntax diagram



The Change Network Job Entry (CHGNETJOBE) command changes an existing network job entry in the system. The network job entry is used to determine the action taken when an input stream is sent to a user by using the Submit Network Job (SBMNETJOB) command. This entry determines whether the input stream is automatically submitted, placed on the queue of network files for a user, or rejected. The entry also specifies the user profile that is used for checking the authority to the job description referenced in the input stream. There should be one entry for each user or distribution group who submits jobs to the system.

Note: There is a network attribute, Job Action (JOBACN), that provides overall control of network job submission; its value must be *SEARCH before the network job table is searched for an action. If the network attribute is *REJECT, all incoming jobs are rejected. If the network attribute is *FILE, all incoming network jobs are saved in the user's queue of network files regardless of the network job entry.

Each network job entry is identified by the two-part user ID of the sender. When an input stream arrives, the user ID of the sending user is used to find a network job entry. If no entry is found, the second part of the user ID is used to find an entry, using *ANY for the first part. If this search fails, a search is made using *ANY for both parts of the user ID. If no entry is found, the job is rejected.



  1. This command is shipped with public *EXCLUDE authority.
  2. The internal value for a node identifier may differ from the characters shown by the CHGNETJOBE command depending on the type of work station (language) you are using. If the byte-string value specified for the FROMUSRID parameter does not match the rules for an internal node identifier value, or if it does not match the internal value for any defined node (ignoring case differences), an error may be reported.


Required Parameters

Specifies the two-part user ID of the user who submits an input stream to this system. Any input streams received from the user are handled as specified in this network job entry. Both parts of the user ID are required. A special value of *ANY can be entered for the first part or for both parts of the user ID.

Note: Depending on the type of work station you are using, the internal value for a user identifier may differ from the characters shown by the Work with Network Job Entry (WRKNETJOBE) command. If the byte-string value specified for the FROMUSRID parameter does not match the rules for an internal user identifier value, or if it does not match the internal value for any enrolled user, an error may be reported.


Optional Parameters

Specifies the action that is taken for a job controlled by this entry.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*REJECT: The input stream is rejected.

*FILE: The input stream is placed on the queue of network files received for the user to whom the input stream is sent.

*SUBMIT: The input stream is submitted to a batch job queue. The user profile specified in the network job entry is used to check for the required authority to the job queues that are used and to the job descriptions specified in the input stream.

Specifies the user profile name under which the jobs are submitted. This user profile is used to check the authority to the job queues and job descriptions specified in the input stream. The value specified for this parameter is effective if ACTION(*SUBMIT) is specified either on this command or on the Add Network Job Entry (ADDNETJOBE) command.

*SAME: The value does not change.

user-profile: Specify the name of the user profile that is used to submit the jobs.

Specifies the qualified name of the message queue to which messages are sent.

Note: The message sent to the message queue specified here notifies the recipient that the input stream arrived, and whether it was submitted, placed on the user's queue of network files, or rejected. A message is also sent to the history log (QHST) when an input stream is received.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*USRPRF: The message queue of the user profile to whom the job was sent is used. This user is specified as SBMNETJOB(TOUSRID); this may or may not be the same user as is specified on the SBMUSER parameter of this command.

*NONE: No message is sent to a user; however, a message is sent to the history log.

The name of the message queue can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

message-queue-name: Specify the name of the message queue that is used to receive messages. If no library qualifier is specified, the library list (*LIBL) is used to locate the named message queue; if one is found, the name of the library where the message queue was found is placed in the job entry.

Specifies the job queue on which the job entries are placed. A job entry is placed on this queue for each job in the input stream that has JOBQ(*RDR) specified on the Batch Job (BCHJOB) command. If *RDR is not specified on the BCHJOB command, the job queue specified on the BCHJOB command or in the job description is used. (The job queue for each job in the input stream can be different.) This parameter is valid only if ACTION(*SUBMIT) is specified on this command, in the existing network job entry, or in a subsequent Change Network Job Entry (CHGNETJOBE) command.

*SAME: The job queue in the job entry does not change.

The name of the job queue can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

If no library qualifier is specified, the library list (*LIBL) is used to locate the named job queue; if one is found, the name of the library where it was found is placed in the job entry.

job-queue-name: Specify the name of the job queue.

Example for CHGNETJOBE


This command changes the network job entry that is used to determine the action taken for any input stream received from user JOHN SMITH. The option and the message queue in the existing entry are not changed. The user profile that is used to check the authority to the job queues and job descriptions specified in the input stream is changed to ANDERSON.

Error messages for CHGNETJOBE

*ESCAPE Messages

Network job table could not be accessed.
*ANY not correct for second part of user ID.
Network job entry &1 &2 not changed.
Wrong characters used in User ID or address, or List identifier &1 &2.