CHGIPSLOC (Change IP over SNA Location)
CHGIPSLOC Command syntax diagram
The Change IP over SNA Location (CHGIPSLOC) command is used to change an existing AF_INET sockets over SNA location entry. This command only changes the remote network identifier (RMTNETID) and the location name template (LOCTPL). The remote route destination and subnet mask identify the location entry being changed.
Restriction: The user must have *IOSYSCFG authority to use this command.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the remote route destination of the location entry to be changed. The remote route destination is specified in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where nnn is a decimal number from 0 through 255.
- Specifies the subnet mask of the location entry to be changed.
*HOST: The internet address value specified in the remote route destination field is a host address.
subnet-mask: Specify the subnet mask in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies the name of the remote SNA network associated with the IP network or IP address specified by the remote route destination.
*SAME: The SNA remote network identifier value does not change.
*NETATR: The remote network identifier specified in the network attributes is used.
remote-network-identifier Specify a 1 to 8-character remote network identifier. The first character must be A (or a) through Z (or z), or special characters $, #, or @ followed by 0 through 9, A (or a) through Z (or z), $, #, or @.
- Specifies the SNA location names associated with the IP network or subnetwork specified by the remote route destination or a single location name if the remote route destination address is for a single host.
*SAME: The SNA location name template or location does not change.
location-name-template: Specify an 8 character template to be used by the system for generating remote location names based on the remote IP address specified on socket system calls. The first character must be A (or a) through Z (or z), or special characters $, #, or @ followed by 0 through 9, A (or a) through Z (or z), $, #, @, or ?. The template must specify some of the characters for the location name. The system generates the remaining characters based on the class of the IP address.
If the RMTDEST is for a group of hosts, a location name template must be specified. A single location name will not work.
For additional information about location name templates, see the Add IP over SNA Location (ADDIPSLOC) CL command.
location-name: Specify the remote location name. This name can be one to eight characters in length. The first character must be A (or a) through Z (or z), or special characters $, #, or @ followed by 0 through 9, A (or a) through Z (or z), $, #, or @.
If the RMTDEST is for a single host, a single location name must be specified. A location template will not work.
Example for CHGIPSLOC
CHGIPSLOC RMTDEST('') SUBNETMASK('') LOCTPL('ABCD????')This command changes the location name template associated with AF_INET sockets over SNA location entry for a subnetwork with network 128.2 and subnet mask of
Error messages for CHGIPSLOC