CHGDOCD (Change Document Description)
CHGDOCD Command syntax diagram
The Change Document Description (CHGDOCD) command allows the user to change descriptive information about a document that is already filed in the document library.
- To change the document profile values, have at least *CHANGE authority to the document, *ALLOBJ authority, or be working on behalf of a user who is authorized to the document.
- To change the security values (for example, ACC, USRAUT, SENSITIV, AUTL), the checkout flag, and the allow replacement flag, be the owner of the document, have *ALL or *ALLOBJ authority, or be working on behalf of a user who is authorized to the document.
- Authority to work on behalf of others is granted with the Grant User Permission (GRTUSRPMN) command.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the name of the document for which descriptive information is being changed on the local system.
*DOCID: The document being changed is identified by the library-assigned document name specified on the DOCID parameter.
document-name: Specify the name of the document that is changed.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies the user ID and address of the user for whom the document description is changed. The current user of this command must have the authority to work on behalf of the specified user profile. Authority to work on behalf of another user is granted with the GRTUSRPMN command.
*CURRENT: The user profile that is currently running is used.
Element 1: User ID
user-ID: Specify the user ID of the user for whom the document description is changed.
Element 2: User Address
user-address: Specify the user address of the user for whom the document description is changed.
- Specifies the name of the folder that contains the document.
*NONE: No folder is specified. This value is required when DOC(*DOCID) is specified.
folder-name: Specify the user-assigned name of the folder that contains the document changed. The folder name can consist of a series of folder names (FLR1/FLR2/ and so forth) if the document specified in the DOC parameter is located in a folder that is contained in another folder. Up to 63 characters can be specified. This value is required when DOC(document-name) is specified.
- Specifies the library-assigned name of the document being changed. This is the name assigned to the document by the system when it was created. Documents filed outside the local system have only library-assigned document names. The library-assigned document names can be determined by using the Query Document Library (QRYDOCLIB) command or by the message returned from the File Document (FILDOC) command.
Library-assigned document names are 24 characters in length with the following format: YYYYMMDDHHMNSSHSSNSNSNSN where:
- YYYY = year
- MM = month
- DD = day
- HH = hour
- MN = minute
- SS = second
- HS = hundredths of a second
- SNSNSNSN = system name
*NONE: There is no library-assigned document name. It is not required when the document is identified by the DOC parameter.
'library-assigned-document-name': Specify the name of the library assigned to the document being changed.
- Specifies the level of sensitivity defined by the X.400 standard. The four levels include no sensitivity, personal, private and company confidential. Any document marked as private is still available to users who are normally authorized to it, but is unavailable to users who are working on your behalf (even though it may be available to them when they are not working on your behalf).
*SAME: The value does not change.
*NONE: The document has no sensitivity restrictions.
*PERSONAL: The distribution is intended for the user as an individual.
*PRIVATE: The document contains information that should be accessed only by the owner.
*CONFIDENTIAL: The document contains information that should be handled according to company procedures.
- Specifies whether the document being changed is a personal document. If it is, only the owner or an authorized user can access it. Any document marked as private is still available to users who are normally authorized to it, but is unavailable to users who are working on your behalf (even though it may be available to them when they are not working on your behalf). This parameter is replaced by SENSITIV, but the PERSONAL parameter can still be used. However, because this parameter may be removed in a later release, whenever possible use the SENSITIV parameter.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*NO: The document is not a personal document. This value will map to SENSITIV(*NONE).
*YES: The document is a personal document. This value will map to SENSITIV(*PRIVATE).
- Specifies the access codes that are added or deleted. Access codes are specified to allow groups of users access to the document. Access codes must be added on the system with the Add Access Code (ADDACC) command.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMVALL: All access codes are removed from the filed document.
Element 1: Access Code
access-code: Specify the access codes, ranging from 1 through 2047, that are added or deleted. The access code specified must exist on the system.
Element 2: Actions Permitted on Access Code
*ADD: The specified access code is added to the access codes for the filed document.
*RMV: The specified access code is removed from the document.
- Specifies that the authority for the document named in the DOC parameter comes from the current authorization list.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMV: The current authorization list is removed from the document.
'authorization-list': Specify the name of the authorization list whose authority replaces that of the current authorization list or adds an authorization list if one does not already exist.
- Specifies the users that can access the document and the authority of each user. This parameter is used to change the authorization list to this document by removing or changing the user's authority to the document.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMVALL: All users are removed from the authorization list for the filed document.
Element 1: Users Affected by Authority Level Change
*PUBLIC: The specific authority given to users who do not have specific authority to the document, who are not on the authorization list, and whose user's group does not have any specific authority to the document are changed.
'user-profile-name': Specify the user ID of a user added to or deleted from the specific user access list.
Element 2: User Authority Levels
*EXCLUDE: The user cannot access the document description.
*USE: The user can perform basic operations on the document description, such as running a program or reading a file. The user cannot change the document description. *USE authority provides object operational authority, read authority, and execute authority.
*CHANGE: The user can perform all operations on the object except those limited to the owner or controlled by object existence authority and object management authority. The user can change and perform basic functions on the object. Change authority provides object operational authority and all data authority.
*ALL: The user can perform all operations except those limited to the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. The user can control the object's existence, specify the security for the object, change the object, and perform basic functions on the object. The user also can change ownership of the document description.
*AUTL: The authority of the authorization list specified in the AUTL parameter is used for the document. AUTL is valid only if *PUBLIC is also specified.
*RMV: The user is removed from the document.
- Specifies whether the document is saved on media or in an online save file. Mark is a function of the Save Document Library Object (SAVDLO) command where documents that have been marked for safe, permanent storage (MARK(*YES)) are saved on disk, diskette, or tape.
This parameter can be specified as a single value or as a list of values (elements).
*SAME: The value does not change.
*NO: The mark for storage is turned off and the document is not saved by the SAVDLO command.
Element 1: Document Marked for Storage
*YES: The mark for storage is turned on, and the document is saved by the SAVDLO command.
Element 2: How Document is Stored
*KEEP: When the document is saved to disk, diskette, or tape, the document is also kept for online use.
*RMVTXT: When the document is saved to disk, diskette, or tape, the document content is removed online, but the document profile is kept online for document library searches.
*RMVALL: When the document is saved to disk, diskette, or tape, the document content and profile is removed online. No trace of the document is left online for the document library searches.
- Specifies the setting to allow replacement of the document content. Once a document has been changed so that it cannot be replaced, it cannot be changed back to a document that can be replaced. The current user of this command must have *ALL authority to the document to request this change.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*NO: The document content cannot be changed after this request is complete.
- Specifies the setting for the checkout flag value. With this parameter, users can reset the checkout status of a document already checked out by a retrieve request (RTVDOC command). A document cannot be checked out for update with this parameter. The CHKOUT parameter is ignored for documents that cannot be replaced. Only the document owner or users with *ALL authority can request the CHKOUT value to be set.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*NO: The checkout flag is set to off.
- Specifies the description of the document being changed. This is the Document Interchange Architecture Profile document name field.
*SAME: The value does not change.
'document-description': Specify the current description of the document. Up to 44 characters can be specified.
- Specifies the name of the author of the document.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMVALL: All author names are removed.
Element 1: Author
'author': Specify an existing author name that is being changed or deleted, or a new author name that is being added.
Element 2: Actions Permitted for Author
*ADD: The author name specified on the first element of this parameter is added as an author for the filed document.
*RMV: The author name specified on the first element of this parameter is removed from the document.
'new-author': Specify the name of the new author to replace that of the author specified on the first element of this parameter. Up to 50 authors can be specified and each author name can have up to 20 characters.
- Specifies the class name associated with this document, such as MEMO, FORM, or SHEET.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMV: The document class is removed from the document.
'document-class': Specify the name of the document class to replace the existing document class or the document class to be added. Up to 16 characters can be specified.
- Specifies the keywords that can be used to describe the document.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMVALL: All keywords are removed for the filed document.
Element 1: Keyword
'keyword': Specify a current keyword that is being removed or a new keyword that is being added.
Element 2: Actions Permitted for Keyword
*ADD: The keyword is added for the filed document.
*RMV: The keyword is removed from the document.
'new-keyword': Specify a new keyword to replace the current keyword. Up to 60 characters can be specified.
- Specifies the subject of the document.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMVALL: All subjects are removed for the filed document.
Element 1: Subject
'subject': Specify a current subject being removed or a subject being added.
Element 2: Actions Permitted for Subject
*ADD: The subject is added for the filed document.
*RMV: The subject is removed from the document.
'new-subject': Specify a new subject to replace the current subject. Up to 60 characters can be specified.
- Specifies any date the user wants to assign to the document.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMV: The document date is removed from the document.
document-date: Specify the document date being added or replaced. The date must be in the format specified by the system value QDATFMT.
- Specifies the file cabinet location where the printed document is stored. This parameter is intended for printed documents. All that changes is the Document Interchange Architecture Profile field that refers to the printed document.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMV: The filing cabinet reference is removed from the document.
'file-cabinet-reference': Specify the file cabinet reference being added or replaced. Up to 60 characters can be specified.
- Specifies the names of the users (in copy list entries) who receive this document.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMVALL: All copy list entries are removed from the filed document.
Element 1: Copy List
'copy-list': Specify a current copy list entry (the name of a recipient) that is changed or deleted or a new copy list entry being added.
Element 2: Actions Permitted on Copy List
*ADD: The copy list entry is added to the filed document.
*RMV: The copy list entry is removed from the document.
'new-copy-list': Specify up to 60 characters for the new copy list.
- Specifies the date on which the document is no longer needed.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMV: The expiration date is removed from the document.
expiration-date: Specify the date when the document is no longer needed.
- Specifies the date when the action requested is due.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMV: The action due date is removed from the document.
action-due-date: Specify the action due date being replaced or added. The date must be specified in the format specified by the system value QDATFMT.
- Specifies the date when the action requested is completed.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMV: The completion date is removed from the document.
completion-date: Specify the completion date being replaced or added. The date must be specified in the format specified by the system value QDATFMT.
- Specifies a reference associated with the document.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMV: The document reference is removed from the document.
'reference': Specify the document reference being replaced or added. Up to 60 characters can be used.
- Specifies the user-defined status (In Process, Pending Approval, or Retired).
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMV: The document status is removed from the document.
'status': Specify the document status being replaced or added. Up to 20 characters can be specified.
- Specifies the project with which the document is associated.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*RMV: The document project is removed from the document.
'project': Specify the document project being replaced or added. Up to 10 characters can be specified.
- Specifies the character identifier (graphic character set and code page) for data being specified as parameter values on this command. This character identifier (CHRID) is related to the display device used to specify the command. More information about CHRID processing is in the Application Display Programming
Note: The CMDCHRID parameter applies to the following parameters and it means that the character set and code page are stored with the fields to allow the display station that accesses the document to correctly print or display the fields. The fields are translated to a common character set and code page when the fields are written to the search database. The interchangeable character set and code page set is '697 500'.
This value translates the USRID parameter to character set and code page of '930 500'. The SNA Distribution Services book contains the character set and code page table for '930 500'.
*SYSVAL: The system determines the graphic character set and code page values for the command parameters from the QCHRID system values.
*DEVD: The system determines the graphic character set and code page values for the command parameter from the display device description where the command is entered. This option is valid only when specified from an interactive job. If this value is specified in an interactive CL program or a batch job, an error message is sent.
Element 1: Character Set
graphic-character-set: Specify the graphic character set values used to create the command parameter.
Element 2: Code Page
code-page: Specify the code page. Valid values range from 1 through 9999.
- Specifies the character identifier (graphic character set and code page) being used for the document data. The character identifier is related to the display device used to create the document data.
*SAME: The character identifier does not change.
*SYSVAL: The graphic character set and code page values are determined from the QCHRID system value.
*DEVD: The graphic character set and code page values defined for the device description where this command is entered are used. This value cannot be specified if the command is run in batch.
Element 1: Character Set
graphic-character-set: Specify a maximum of 3 characters for the graphic character set.
Element 2: Code Page
code-page: Specify a maximum of 3 characters for the code page.
- Specifies the language identifier being placed in this document's interchange document profile (IDP). This parameter can be used to add a language identifier to the document's IDP if the identifier has not been specified previously, or to change the value of an existing language identifier. If a value is specified on this parameter and no value has previously been specified on the DOCCNTRYID parameter, a country or region identifier must also be specified.
*SAME: The language identifier does not change.
*JOB: The language identifier specified for the job in which this command is entered is used.
language-identifier: Specify the language identifier.
- Specifies the country or region identifier being placed in this document's interchange document profile (IDP). This parameter can be used to add a country or region identifier to the document's IDP if an identifier has not been specified previously, or to change the value of an existing country or region identifier. If a value is specified on this parameter and no value has previously been specified on the DOCLANGID parameter, a language identifier must also be specified.
*SAME: The country or region identifier does not change.
*JOB: The country or region identifier specified for the job in which this command is entered is used.
country-identifier: Specify the country or region identifier.
Example for CHGDOCD
CHGDOCD DOC(DOC1) FLR(FLR1) SENSITIV(*PRIVATE) AUTL(USERAUTL) ALWRPL(*NO) AUTHOR('AUTHOR1' *RMV)This command changes document DOC1, which is located in folder FLR1, to a private document. This document is no longer a document that can be replaced. AUTHOR1 is removed from the list of authors. If an authorization list already exists, it is replaced with authorization list USERAUTL. If an authorization list does not exist, USERAUTL is added as the authorization list for the document. The remaining information associated with the document does not change.
Error messages for CHGDOCD
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPF900B
- User ID and address &1 &2 not in System Distribution Directory.
- CPF900C
- Sign on and verify of user failed.
- CPF902B
- Authority of *AUTL is allowed only with USRAUT(*PUBLIC).
- CPF905C
- Error occurred trying to find a translation table.
- CPF905E
- Cannot specify *RMV when USRAUT(*PUBLIC) is specified.
- CPF9096
- Cannot use CMDCHRID(*DEVD), DOCCHRID(*DEVD) in batch job.
- CPF9099
- Document description not changed.