ADDPRBSLTE (Add Problem Selection Entry) syntax diagram

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec
Threadsafe: No
            | .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------. |
            | V             (1)                                                             (2)  | |
                   +-*AND-+       +-*ORIGIN---+  +-*GT-+  '-'generic*-attribute-value'-'
                   '-*OR--'       +-*ORGNETID-+  +-*LT-+
                                  +-*ORGCPNAM-+  +-*NE-+
                                  +-*RCVNETID-+  +-*GE-+
                                  +-*RCVCPNAM-+  +-*LE-+
                                  +-*PROBTYPE-+  '-*CT-'
   |          .-*GEN-----------------.    |
   |          |                 (4)  |    |
   |         .-*DEFAULT---.    |


  1. *IF must be specified as the first item only; either *AND or *OR must be specified when repeating selections.

  2. A maximum of 10 repetitions.

  3. All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

  4. Range is from 1 through 9999.