ADDLICKEY (Add License Key Information)
ADDLICKEY Command syntax diagram
The Add License Key Information (ADDLICKEY) command can be used to add the software license key information to the license repository for products with keyed compliance. Products with keyed compliance require that you have a software license key from the software provider in order to change the usage limit or the expiration date of the license information.
The license repository stores product license information for each unique product, license term, feature, and system. The repository can contain licenses for any system, and the product need not be installed.
If the product is installed on the system and the license is for this system, this command installs the license, which changes the usage limit from the product's default usage limit to the licensed usage limit. The expiration date is also set.
If a software license key already exists in the repository for the unique product, license term, feature, and system, the software license key information is replaced.
If a license does not exist on the system, the added software license key uses the default values for its threshold (90 percent of the usage limit), message queue (*OPSYS), and log (usage limit violations are not logged) attributes. If a license already exists, the values on these attributes do not change. To change any of these values, you can use the Change License Information (CHGLICINF) command.
Restrictions: This command is shipped with public *EXCLUDE authority.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies how the software license key information to be added is supplied by the user.
*PROMPT: The software license key information is entered through prompting.
*LICKEYFILE: The software license key information is taken from the file specified on the LICKEYFILE parameter.
*TAPE: The software license key information is taken from a data file with the label QFILEPGMKEY on the tape device specified on the DEV parameter. The QFILEPGMKEY data file must be created on the tape using the Copy To Tape (CPYTOTAP) command, specifying a file in the format of QSYS/QALZAKEY on the FROMFILE parameter.
- Specifies the seven-character identifier of the product for which software license key information is added.
- Specifies the license term for which software license key information is added. This information is supplied by the software provider. Specify the license term in Vx, VxRy, or VxRyMz format, where x and y can be a number from 0 through 9, and z can be a number from 0 through 9 or a letter from A through Z.
- Specifies the feature of the product specified on the PRDID parameter for which the software license key information is added.
5001: The software license key information for feature 5001 is added.
feature: Specify the number of the feature for which software license key information is added. Valid values range from 5001 through 9999.
- Specifies the serial number of the system for which software license key information is added.
Note: The *REMOTE and *ALL values are valid only when *LICKEYFILE or *TAPE is specified on the LICKEYINP parameter. *LOCAL: The software license key information for the local system is added.
*REMOTE: The software license key information for all remote systems named in the file specified on the LICKEYFILE parameter or in the tape file with the label QFILEPGMKEY is added.
*ALL: The software license key information for all systems named in the file specified on the LICKEYFILE parameter or in the tape file with the label QFILEPGMKEY is added.
system-serial-number: Specify the serial number of the system for which software license key information is added.
- Specifies the group of the system processor for which software license key information is added. The software provider supplies this information with the software license key.
*ANY: The software license key is for any processor group.
processor-group: Specify the processor group of the system for which software license key information is added.
- Specifies the software license key that is supplied by the software provider. The license key has three elements, each of which are six characters long. Valid values for the characters are A-F and 0-9, and can be specified in the format: cccccc cccccc cccccc, where c is a valid character.
- Specifies the usage limit for this product or feature. The software provider authorizes the value of the usage limit. For a concurrent usage limit, this is the maximum number of jobs allowed to access the product or feature at any given time. For a registered usage limit, this is the maximum number of license users that can be registered to use this product or feature.
1: The number of users is limited to one.
*NOMAX: The number of users is not limited.
usage-limit: Specify the maximum number of users for this product or feature. Valid values range from 0 through 999999.
- Specifies the expiration date of the product license. After this date, no users over the default usage limit can use the product or feature in compliance with this software license key.
The software provider supplies the expiration date with the software license key. To use the product after the expiration date, obtain a new software license key from the software provider.
*NONE: The license has no expiration date.
expiration-date: Specify the expiration date of the product license.
- Specifies the vendor data. The software provider supplies this information with the software license key.
*NONE: No vendor data is specified.
vendor-data: Specify a maximum of eight characters of vendor data.
- Specifies the qualified name of the file from which the software license key information is taken. This input file must be in the format of QSYS/QALZAKEY, and can be created by using the LICKEYFILE parameter on the Display License Key Information (DSPLICKEY) command.
The name of the license key file can be qualified by one of the following library values:
*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.
license-key-file: Specify the name of the file that contains the software license key information.
- Specifies the name of the member in the file specified on the LICKEYFILE parameter from which the software license key information is taken.
*FIRST: The oldest member in the file is used.
*LAST: The newest member in the file is used.
license-key-member: Specify the name of the member from which to get information.
- Specifies the name of the tape device holding the tape from which the software license key information is copied.
- Specifies the volume identifier of the tape from which the software license key information is copied.
*MOUNTED: The volume currently placed in the device is used.
volume-identifier: Specify the identifier of the volume from which the software license key information is copied.
- Specifies the sequence number of the data file from which the software license key information is copied.
*SEARCH: A search is made for a data file with an identifier that matches the label QFILEPGMKEY.
*NEXT: The next sequence is used if that sequence is for a file with the label QFILEPGMKEY.
sequence-number: Specify the sequence number of the data file with the label QFILEPGMKEY to use for copying the software license key information.
- Specifies what positioning operation is done automatically on the tape volume after the software license key information is copied.
*REWIND: The tape is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended.
*LEAVE: The tape does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the tape drive.
*UNLOAD: The tape is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends.
Examples for ADDLICKEY
Example 1: Adding License Key Information from Prompt Input
ADDLICKEY LICKEYINP(*PROMPT) PRDID(1MYPROD) LICTRM(V3) SERIAL(1234567) PRCGRP(P20) LICKEY(123456 7890AB CDEF12) USGLMT(30) EXPDATE(*NONE) VNDDTA(12345678)This command uses prompting to add the software license key information for feature 5001 of the product 1MYPROD to the license repository. The license term is Version 3. The license allows 30 users to use the system with serial number 1234567. That system is in the processor group of 20 or less. There is no expiration date on the license. Because the product is installed on a system with the specified serial number, the license also is installed.
Example 2: Adding All License Key Information from File Input
ADDLICKEY LICKEYINP(*LICKEYFILE) SERIAL(*ALL) LICKEYFILE(*LIBL/MYKEYFILE) LICKEYMBR(*LAST)This command adds the software license key information for all of the systems in the newest member of the file MYKEYFILE to the license repository. If the product is installed on the system, and the license is for this system, the license also is installed.
Example 3: Adding Local License Key Information from a License Key File
ADDLICKEY LICKEYINP(*LICKEYFILE) SERIAL(*LOCAL) LICKEYFILE(*LIBL/MYKEYFILE) LICKEYMBR(*FIRST)This command adds the software license key information found in the oldest member of the file MYKEYFILE to the license repository for this system only. If the product is installed on this system, the license is also installed.
Example 4: Adding Local License Key Information from Tape
ADDLICKEY LICKEYINP(*TAPE) DEV(TAP01)This command searches the mounted volume on device TAP01 for the label QFILEPGMKEY. This data file is used and all software license keys for the local system are added to the repository. The tape is rewound after the operation.
Error messages for ADDLICKEY
*ESCAPE Messages
- Usage limit cannot be less than current usage.
- CPF9E56
- &1 license key information records added, &2 not added.
- The license key cannot be used for processor group &2.
- Product identifier &1 not valid.
- CPF9E69
- License key information not found in license key file.
- CPF9E80
- Error occurred during restoring license keys from tape.
- CPF9E83
- Expiration date &2 is not valid.