Web services development artifacts
Development artifacts enable an enterprise bean or a Java bean module to be a Web service. To create a Web service from an enterprise bean or a Java bean module, these files are added to the Java archive (JAR) or Web archive (WAR) modules when you assemble the application.:
The WSDL XML file describes the Web service.Service Endpoint Interface
A Service Endpoint Interface is the Java interface that corresponds to the Web service port type that is implemented. The Service Endpoint Interface is defined by the WSDL 1.1 W3C Note.webservices.xml
The webservices.xml file contains the J2EE Web service deployment descriptor that specifies how the Web service is implemented. The webservices.xml file is defined in the Web services for J2EE specification..ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi
This file contains WebSphere product-specific deployment information and is defined in Web services assembly properties.Java API for XML-based remote procedure call (JAX-RPC) mapping file
The JAX-RPC mapping deployment descriptor specifies how Java elements are mapped to and from WSDL file elements. The JAX-RPC mapping file is defined in Web services assembly properties.
The following files are added to the application client module at assembly, allowing a J2EE application client to access Web services:
The WSDL file is provided by the Web service implementer.Java interfaces for the Web service
The Java interfaces are generated from the WSDL file as specified by the JAX-RPC mapping file. These bindings are the Service Endpoint Interface based on the WSDL port type, or the service interface, which is based on the WSDL service.webservicesclient.xml
The webservicesclient.xml file is the client-side deployment descriptor. This file describes the services that are accessed. The file is defined in the Web services for J2EE specification.ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi
This file contains WebSphere product-specific deployment information such as security information. The ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi file is defined in Web services assembly properties.Other JAX-RPC binding files
The WSDL2Java command-line tool generates additional JAX-RPC binding files based on the WSDL file. These additional files support the client application in mapping Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to Java.