Develop a Web services client

To set up a development environment for Web services clients, see Set up a Web services client development environment.

To create the client code and artifacts that enable the application client to access a Web service, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the WSDL file that defines the Web service to access.

  2. Develop implementation templates, deployment descriptor templates, and bindings from a WSDL file.
    Follow the steps in this task, but use the -role client -container client option with the WSDL2Java command tool. The client-side bindings and artifacts are generated.

  3. Complete the client implementation.

  4. (Optional) Configure the webservicesclient.xml deployment descriptor.
    Complete this step if you are developing a managed client that runs in the J2EE client container.

  5. (Optional) Configure the ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor.
    Complete this step if you are deploying a managed client that runs in the J2EE client container and you want to override the default client settings. See Web services assembly properties for more information about the ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor.

If you are developing a managed client that runs in the J2EE client container, Assemble the Web services-enabled client JAR file.