View the JVM log files

The JVM logs are written as plain ASCII text files. By default, the JVM logs are located in the logs/servername subdirectory of the WebSphere instance you are using, where servername is the name of the server. If you are using the default WebSphere Application Server instance, the path is /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/default/logs/server1. If you are using the default Network Deployment instance, the path is /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/ND/default/logs/dmgr. For a WebSphere Application Server instance that has been added to a Network Deployment domain (cell), the log files for the node agent are located in subdirectory logs/nodeagent and the logs files for the JMS server are located in subdirectory logs/jmsserver.

You can view the JVM log files using one of the methods listed below. For information on interpreting the contents of the logs, see Interpret the JVM logs.