Check HTTP server logs for troubleshooting information

For help in troubleshooting a servlet problem, there are several log and trace files available for you to inspect. For a description of the files, see these topics.

IBM HTTP Server for iSeries (powered by Apache) trace log

The IBM HTTP Server for iSeries (powered by Apache) generates a trace file. You must start the HTTP server in a mode that outputs trace information, using option -vv. For example:

    STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(serverInstanceName '-vv')

The spooled file for the HTTP server job is named QPZHBTRC.

To gather trace data from an IBM HTTP Server (powered by Apache) use the DMPUSRTRC command.

You can find additional log information by enabling the IBM HTTP Server for iSeries (powered by Apache) error log. This log records client request errors, such as timing out or access denial. To enable logging, perform these steps:

  1. Make sure the HTTP Server ADMIN instance is running.

    1. In the WRKACTJOB display, look for the ADMIN job under the QHTTPSVR subsystem.

    2. If the job is not displayed, start the ADMIN server with this command:

  2. Enter this URL in a JavaScript-enabled browser:

  3. Click on IBM HTTP Server for iSeries (AS/400).
  4. Select the Manage tab.
  5. In the expanded Server menu, select your HTTP server instance's configuration name from the pull-down menu.
  6. In the left-hand pane, ensure Server Properties is expanded.
  7. Under Server Properties, click on Logging. You may have to scroll down to find the link.
  8. Select the Error Logs tab.
  9. In the main window, set up the error log. (The help text explains the meaning of the values in the page. To view the help text, click the ? icon.) Click Apply.
  10. Stop your HTTP server instance and restart it.

The HTTP server changes the name you specify for the log file. For example, if you name the file myerror.log, the HTTP server generates the file with the name myerror.log.Qyyymmdd.

To view the log file, you can use the iSeries Edit File Utility (EDTF).

Web server plug-in log

The plug-in log records HTTP server-side processing and servlet request routing between the HTTP server and WebSphere Application Server. (The plug-in connects the HTTP server and WebSphere Application Server together.)

Manage this log by editing the application server's plugin-cfg.xml file. (For the default application server, you can find this file in the /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/default/config/cells directory.) The plugin-cfg.xml file contains a tag near the beginning named Log. Log has two attributes: LogLevel and Name.

Standard out and standard error

For information about standard out and standard error, see JVM log files.

HTTP Server joblogs

You should inspect the joblog for your HTTP server instance for unexpected messages or exceptions. You can locate the IBM HTTP Server (powered by Apache) job within the QHTTPSVR subsystem, listed with a job name matching that of its instance. The Domino HTTP server job is named HTTP within a subsystem named DOMINOxx.