Configure the process log files

Use the administrative console to configure the process log files for an application server. The file name for a process log is the only attribute that can be changed. Unlike the JVM logs, the process logs are not self-managing so the size and number of historical files cannot be configured. Generally, these file are empty or contain very small amounts of information, so self-management is not required.

Configuration changes for the process logs that are made to a running application server are not applied until the next restart of the application server.

Perform these steps to configure the process logs:

  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. Expand Troubleshooting and click Logs and Trace.
  3. Click the link for the server you wish to configure.
  4. Click Process Logs.
  5. Select the Configuration tab.
  6. The file name for each of the process streams (stdout and stderr) is displayed.
  7. Change the file names as appropriate.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Click the Save link at the top of the page to save your configuration changes. Click Save on the resulting page.