WorkSpaceWKSP0000E: Error in initialization -- {0}.
Error when initializing workspace.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0001E: Error reading serialized context from {0} -- {1}.
Error reading saved context information.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0002E: Error parsing string {0} -- {1}.
Error parsing string.
User Response:
Check the string format.
WKSP0003E: Context {0} already exists.
Error creating a new context with a given name.
User Response:
Check if the context already exists.
WKSP0004E: Error deleting {0}.
Error deleting file.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0005E: Error while releasing context {0}-{1}.
Error releasing context.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0006E: Error while saving context {0}-{1}.
Error saving context information.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0007E: Error getting ConfigRepository -{0}.
Error getting ConfigRepository.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0008E: RepositoryException while checking the state of {0} in the master repository --{1}.
Exception when checking the state from master repository.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0009E: Workspace is logged out.
The same userId has more than one sessionId logged on to WorkSpace. So workspace with the first sessionId becomes invalid.
User Response:
Check why one userId logged on to workspace with two sessionId.
WKSP0010E: Unable to delete existing session id file {0}.
Error deleting session id file.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0011E: Unable to create existing session id file {0} --{1}.
Error creating session id file.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0012E: Exception while extracting {0} from ConfigRepository--{1}.
Error extracting file from configRepository.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0013E: Context {0} not found.
Context not found for a given name.
User Response:
Check if the context exists.
WKSP0014E: Unable to get InputStream for {0} --{1}.
Exception when getting input stream.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0015E: Unable to get OutputStream for {0} --{1}.
Exception when getting output stream.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0016E: Error getting digest for {0} --{1}.
Exception when getting kept digest from disk.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0017E: Error saving digest for {0}:{1} --{2}.
Exception when saving digest to disk.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0018E: Error reading file for {0} --{1}.
Exception when reading file for synchronization.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0019E: Error getting repository adapter {0} --{1}.
Exception when getting repository adapter
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP0020E: Error getting meta data repository root {0}.
The root for meta data definition is incorrect.
User Response:
Check meta data root definition.
WKSP1000E: Error loading extent of {0}--{1}.
Exception when loading the extent.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP1001E: Error loading resource {0} from context {1} --{2}
Can not load resource.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP1002E: Error saving resource {0} -- {1}
Can not save resource.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.
WKSP1003E: Error merging resource {0} for context {1}.
Can not merge resource.
User Response:
Check the nested exception for detail.