ORB SSL ExtensionsJSSL0010E: IIOPSSLConnection.createSSLServerSocket(...) threw an INTERNAL exception. Additional information: {0}.
A failure occurred creating an SSL server socket.
User Response:
This problem is typically related to the SSL configuration. Check that the listener port configured is not already in use by another process and that another instance of WebSphere Application Server is not already started. Check to ensure that the SSL keystore and truststore files are valid and contain the correct certificates. Validate the keystore and truststore by loading them in WebSphere's IKeyMan tool.
JSSL0020E: The SSLServerConnectionData object that is passed to createSSLServerSocket returned a value from getTargetRequiresQOP() that is less than 1.
There may be a problem with the server's SSL configuration.
User Response:
Go to the administrative console and review the settings for the SSL configuration.
JSSL0030E: The SSLServerConnectionData object that is passed to createSSLServerSocket contains a TargetSupportsQOP() value that is less than its TargetRequiresQOP value.
There may be a problem with the server's SSL configuration.
User Response:
Go to the administrative console and review the settings for the SSL configuration.
JSSL0050E: IIOPSSLConnection.initContext(...) threw an INTERNAL exception. Additional: information {0}.
A failure occurred creating the SSL context in preparation for the server socket.
User Response:
This problem is typically related to the SSL configuration. Check to ensure that the SSL keystore and truststore files are valid and contain the correct certificates and have valid passwords. Ensure that the file types specified are the correct types for the files they represent (e.g,, JKS, JCEK, etc). Validate the keystore and truststore by loading them in WebSphere's IKeyMan tool.
JSSL0070E: IIOPSSLConnectionClient.createSSLSocket(...) threw an INTERNAL exception. Additional information: {0}
A failure occurred creating an SSL client socket.
User Response:
This problem is typically related to the client's SSL configuration. Check to ensure that the SSL keystore and truststore files exist in the location specified, contain the correct certificates, and have valid passwords. Ensure that the file types specified are the correct types for the files they represent (e.g,, JKS, JCEK, etc). Validate the keystore and truststore by loading them in WebSphere's IKeyMan tool.
JSSL0080E: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException - The client and server could not negotiate the desired level of security. Reason: {0}
The client and server could not negotiate the desired level of security. The connection is no longer usable.
User Response:
Ensure that the trust store of the server has the signer certificate from the client.
JSSL0090E: javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException - Reports an error in the operation of the SSL protocol. Reason: {0}
Reports an error in the operation of the SSL protocol.
User Response:
Normally this indicates a flaw in one of the protocol implementations.
JSSL0100E: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException - Indicates that the peer's identity has not been verified. You may request the identity of the peer. Reason: {0}
Indicates that the peer's identity has not been verified. You may request the identity of the peer.
User Response:
When the peer is not able to identify itself (for example, no certificate, or the particular cipher suite being used does not support authentication, or no peer authentication was established during SSL handshaking) this exception may be thrown.
JSSL0110E: javax.net.ssl.SSLKeyException - Reports a bad SSL key. Reason: {0}
Reports a bad SSL key.
User Response:
Normally, this indicates misconfiguration of the server or client SSL certificate and private key.
JSSL0120E: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Indicates some kind of error detected by an SSL subsystem. Reason: {0}
Indicates some kind of error detected by an SSL subsystem.
User Response:
Verify that the SSL configuration is setup correctly.
JSSL0130E: java.io.IOException: Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. Reason: {0}
Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.
User Response:
This class is the general class of exceptions produced by failed or interrupted I/O operations.
JSSL0140I: Client aliases to choose from: {0}
These are the list of client keystore aliases which can be chosen from.
User Response:
JSSL0150I: Server aliases to choose from: {0}
These are the list of server keystore aliases which can be chosen from.
User Response:
JSSL0160E: Client alias specified ({0}) does not match a valid client alias.
The client alias specified in the SSL configuration is not in the client keystore.
User Response:
Ensure that the client alias is specified correctly and that it exists in the client keystore.
JSSL0170E: Server alias specified ({0}) does not match a valid server alias.
The server alias specified in the SSL configuration is not in the server keystore.
User Response:
Ensure that the server alias is specified correctly and that it exists in the server keystore.
JSSL0180I: SSL client alias chosen: {0}
This indicates the client alias that was chosen to make the SSL connection.
User Response:
JSSL0190I: SSL server alias chosen: {0}
This indicates the server alias that was chosen to make the SSL connection.
User Response:
JSSL0191W: The keystore or truststore type specified is invalid. Adjusting to use the correct type, however, please correct the SSL configuration for performance reasons.
The keystore or truststore type specified is invalid.
User Response:
Modify the SSL configuration so that the keystore or truststore type is a valid type. You can check the keystore and truststore types by loading them in WebSphere's IKeyMan tool.
JSSL0200I: A PKCS keystore has been initialized. Library name: {0}
This indicates a pkcs keystore has been initialized.
User Response:
JSSL0201E: Unable to get a PKCS keystore. Library name: {0}
A PKCS keystore instance cannot be obtained.
User Response:
Make sure the Cryptographic token configuration is valid.