WebSphere Management Utilities

ADMU0001I: Begin federation of node {0} with Deployment Manager at {1}:{2}.


This is an informational message indicating that the addNode program has started.

User Response:


ADMU0002E: Exception attempting to process server {0}: {1}


An exception occurred while attempting to attach to the server and obtain its state.

User Response:

Record the exception information from this message for further investigation.

ADMU0003I: Node {0} has been successfully federated.


This is an informational message indicating that the addNode program has successfully completed.

User Response:


ADMU0004E: Exception attempting to get result from configuration synchronization {0}


An exception occurred during config synchronization while waiting for an asynchronous operation on the Deployment Manager.

User Response:

Record the exception information from this message for further investigation.

ADMU0005E: Error synchronizing repositories {0}


An error occurred during configuration synchronization. If the error was encountered during addNode, the configuration will be rolled back to the base configuration. If this error was encountered during syncNode, node and cell repositories may be out of sync with each other.

User Response:

Examine the log files for additional problem determination information.

ADMU0006E: Exception creating Deployment Manager connection {0}


The client utility program was not able to establish a connection to the Deployment Manager using the information provided.

User Response:

Check that the Deployment Manager host and port are reachable from the system on which the utility is being executed. One method to check connectivity is to use the TCP/IP "ping" command.

ADMU0007E: Error while copying {0}


The program was not able to copy a file. There may not be enough disk space or there may be a problem reading the file.

User Response:

Check the available disk space on the system. Check that the file does exist and is readable.

ADMU0008E: Error obtaining MBean by name {0}: {1}


A query to locate an MBean failed.

User Response:

Record the exception information in this message for further investigation.

ADMU0009I: Successfully connected to Deployment Manager Server: {0}:{1}


This is an informational message indicating that the program has established communications with the Deployment Manager.

User Response:


ADMU0010E: Error obtaining repository client {0}


A client connection for the Cell configuration repository could not be obtained.

User Response:

Record the exception information from this message for further problem determination.

ADMU0011E: Error creating configuration in the cell repository {0}


Configuration files for the new node could not be uploaded to the Deployment Manager for creation in the cell repository.

User Response:

Ensure that the Deployment Manager is still running and that the FileTransfer application is executing in the Deployment Manager. Record the exception information from this message for further problem determination.

ADMU0012I: Creating Node Agent configuration for node: {0}


This is an informational message indicating that the addNode program is creating the configuration files related to the node agent for the new node.

User Response:


ADMU0013I: A document already exists at the cell level: {0}


This is an informational message.

User Response:


ADMU0014I: Adding node {0} configuration to cell: {1}


This is an informational message indicating that configuration files from the node are about to be uploaded to the cell repository managed by the Deployment Manager program.

User Response:


ADMU0015I: Backing up the original cell repository.


This is an informational message indicating that the original configuration files are being saved before they are changed by the utility program.

User Response:


ADMU0016I: Synchronizing configuration between node and cell.


This is an informational message indicating that a configuration synchronization is about to begin.

User Response:


ADMU0017E: Error occurred closing an input/output stream {0}


The close method of an I/O stream object issued an exception. This probably is a secondary exception that came after an earlier I/O failure.

User Response:

Record and save the exception information in this message for further problem determination. Examine the log file for the utility and rerun the program with -trace option.

ADMU0018I: Launching Node Agent process for node: {0}


This is an informational message indicating that the node agent process is about to be started.

User Response:


ADMU0019E: Error occurred reading from an input stream {0}


The read method of an I/O stream issued an exception.

User Response:

Record and save the exception information in this message for further problem determination. Examine the log file for the utility and rerun the program with -trace option.

ADMU0020I: Reading configuration for Node Agent process: {0}


This is an informational message.

User Response:


ADMU0021E: Error occurred stopping server {0}


The status of the server is not STOPPED as expected.

User Response:

Examine the log files for the server to see why the server is not stopped.

ADMU0022I: Node Agent launched. Waiting for initialization status.


This is an informational message.

User Response:


ADMU0023E: Exception waiting for server initialization {0}


An IOException was issued while the program was waiting for input on the server status port.

User Response:

Record and save the exception information from this message for further problem determination. Examine the log file for the utility and rerun the program with the -trace option.

ADMU0024I: Deleting the old backup directory.


This is an informational message indicating that the original configuration files are being saved before they are changed by the utility program.

User Response:


ADMU0025E: Given host and port do not point to a Deployment Manager.


The connected process does not have a DeploymentManager MBean. The most common cause is that the host/port specified is not that for the Deployment Manager.

User Response:

Verify that the host and port passed to the tool are correct.

ADMU0028I: Log generated.


This is an informational message.

User Response:


ADMU0030I: Node Agent initialization completed successfully. Process id is: {0}


This is an informational message indicating that the node agent process started without errors.

User Response:


ADMU0031E: Node Agent launched but failed initialization. Process id was: {0}


The node agent process returned an unsuccessful status value.

User Response:

Examine the log files for the node agent to perform additional problem determination.

ADMU0032E: It is not valid to run addNode on the same node as the Deployment Manager: {0}


The addNode program only applies to base app server nodes, not the ND deployment manager node itself.

User Response:

Do not attempt to run addNode on the Deployment Manager node itself.

ADMU0033E: The node {0} already has been added to the cell.


You cannot run addNode on a node that has already been added to a cell.

User Response:

Do not attempt to run addNode twice on the same node.

ADMU0035E: WebSphere Express nodes are not supported in a Network Deployment cell.


An attempt has been made to add a node that is a WebSphere Express node.

User Response:

Do not attempt to add a WebSphere Express node. It is not a supported node for the Network Deployment environment.

ADMU0036E: The Deployment Manager cannot lookup by name host {0} at address {1}


The local host can lookup the Deployment Manager host, but the Deployment Manager cannot lookup the new node; often this occurs if DHCP does not interact with DNS.

User Response:

You may need to use static IP if DHCP does not interact with DNS.

ADMU0037E: The node cannot lookup the Deployment Manager using host name {0}. The host name in the Deployment Manager configuration may need to be fully qualified.


There is a problem with the configuration of the Deployment Manager's host name. The local node cannot lookup the Deployment Manager's host name as it is specified in the Deployment Manager configuration.

User Response:

Either the Deployment Manager's host name needs to be added to DNS, the Deployment Manager's host name needs to be fully qualified in the Deployment Manager's server index configuration, or the domain's DNS suffix needs to be added to the node's TCP/IP configuration.

ADMU0038E: The Deployment Manager's IP address resolves as, but the Deployment Manager is not on the local machine. The Deployment Manager's host name configuration or DNS is configured incorrectly.


The Deployment Manager's host name is not resolving correctly.

User Response:

Verify that the host name is configured properly at the Deployment Manager. For Linux systems, modify either the /etc/hosts file or the /etc/nsswitch.conf file search DNS before files.

ADMU0040E: Exception on MBean invocation {0} {1} {2}


An MBean call failed.

User Response:

Record and save the exception information from this message for further problem determination.

ADMU0041E: Another addNode or removeNode operation is currently in progress. Please attempt this operation later.


Concurrent addNode and removeNode operations are not allowed.

User Response:

Wait until the first addNode or removeNode operation completes, and then retry this operation.

ADMU0042E: The addNode/removeNode operation lock could not be released at the Deployment Manager. You may need to invoke AdminOperations.forceNodeFederationOrRemovalTokenReset operation to manually complete this final step of addNode or removeNode.


The lock used to prevent concurrent addNode and removeNode operations could not be reset.

User Response:

If you can not run an addNode or removeNode operation after receiving this message, you can clear the lock by invoking the AdminOperations.forceNodeFederationOrRemovalTokenReset operation.

ADMU0088E: No Server MBean named {0} in this process {1}:{2}


The server name does not match the process attributes.

User Response:

Check that the name is spelled correctly.

ADMU0111E: Program exiting with error: {0}


An exception occurred during program execution.

User Response:

Record the exception information from this message and perform problem determination using that exception data.

ADMU0112E: Exception writing serverindex.xml file: {0}


The code that attempts to update the serverindex.xml configuration file failed and issued an exception.

User Response:

Record and save the exception information from this message and perform further problem determination to investigate why the file cannot be written to.

ADMU0114E: Exception launching Node Agent process: {0}


The attempt to launch the node agent for the new node failed and issued an exception.

User Response:

Record and save the exception information from this message and perform further problem determination to investigate why the process failed to launch.

ADMU0115I: Trace mode is on.


This is an informational message indicating that trace has been enabled

User Response:


ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file {0}


This is an informational message indicating the file in which logging data is being stored.

User Response:


ADMU0117E: The application {0} on this node cannot be merged with the Cell. The application binaries URL conflicts with what is already in the Cell.


The application already exists in the cell configuration repository and uses a different URL for the location of its binaries. It cannot be merged with cell configuration and will be ignored.

User Response:

Install the application on the Deployment Manager if it is to be used in servers for this cell.

ADMU0118E: The log file cannot be written to location {0}; please specify a different location with -logfile


An error occurred attempting to write the logfile; this may be caused by a permissions or security problem

User Response:

Use the -logfile option to specify a new location for the logfile

ADMU0119E: Unexpected exception {0} in rolling back application binaries.


An unexpected exception occured while attempting to expand the application ear files to appropriate locations after addNode command failed. Users will have to explicitly expand ear files for all the applications on this cell to their appropriate binariesURL locations.

User Response:

Use EARExpander tool to expand the application ear files to their appropriate destination specified in the binariesURL attribute of the deployment.xml file in the repository.

ADMU0120I: {0} will not be uploaded since it already exists in the target repository.



User Response:


ADMU0121E: Unexpected exception {0} while checking existence of {1} in the target repository. {1} will not be uploaded.


An exception occured while checking if the application already exists in the repository to which this node is being added to. Therefore this application will not be uploaded as a part of addNode even if -includeapps options is specified.

User Response:

You can install this application after addNode is done either by using the admin UI or wsadmin.

ADMU0122E: Exception {0} copying application files from {1} to {2}.


Unexpected exception in file copy.

User Response:

Manually copy files.

ADMU0123E: Could not find text for message ID {0}.


The specified message ID could not be found in the message file; contact IBM support.

User Response:

This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

ADMU0124E: The system clock of the new node is not synchronized with that of the deployment manager.


To add a node, the system clock of the node to be added must be fairly close to that of the deployment manager.

User Response:

Change the new node's system clock to be the same as that of the deployment manager.

ADMU0125I: Change the clock of the new node to be within {0} minutes of the clock of the deployment manager.


Explanation of what to do if addNode fails because of the clock sync problem.

User Response:

Follow the instructions in the message.

ADMU0211I: Error details may be seen in the file: {0}


This is an informational message indicating that additional information is available in the log file.

User Response:

Look in the file for additional information.

ADMU0222I: Exception accessing the plugin-cfg.xml file.


The code that attempts to upload the plugin-cfg.xml configuration file failed and issued an exception.

User Response:

Record and save the exception information from this message and perform further problem determination to investigate why the file cannot be accessed.

ADMU0300I: Congratulations! Your node {0} has been successfully incorporated into the {1} cell.



User Response:


ADMU0302I: Any cell-level documents from the standalone {0} configuration have not been migrated to the new cell.



User Response:


ADMU0303I: Update the configuration on the {0} Deployment Manager with values from the old cell-level documents.



User Response:


ADMU0304I: Because -includeapps was not specified, applications installed on the standalone node were not installed on the new cell.



User Response:


ADMU0305I: Install applications onto the {0} cell using wsadmin $AdminApp or the Administrative Console.



User Response:


ADMU0306I: Be aware:



User Response:


ADMU0307I: You might want to:



User Response:


ADMU0401I: Begin syncNode operation for node {0} with Deployment Manager {1}: {2}


This is an informational message indicating that the syncNode program has started.

User Response:


ADMU0402I: The configuration for node {0} has been synchronized with Deployment Manager {1}: {2}


This is an informational message indicating that the syncNode program has completed successfully.

User Response:


ADMU0403E: The node agent must be stopped before running syncNode.


The node agent is currently running; it should be stopped.

User Response:

Stop the node agent before running syncNode.

ADMU0500I: Retrieving server status for {0}


This is an informational message.

User Response:


ADMU0501E: Server name not specified; must supply the name of a server or -all for all servers.


The serverStatus tool requires that a server name be provided or -all to list all servers.

User Response:

Specify a server name or -all.

ADMU0505I: Servers found in configuration:


This is an informational message printed before a list of servers.

User Response:


ADMU0506I: Server name: {0}


This is an informational message showing the name of a server.

User Response:


ADMU0507I: No servers found in configuration under: {0}


The servers directory is empty in the configuration.

User Response:

Check the integrity of the configuration files.

ADMU0508I: The {0} "{1}" is {2}


This is an informational message the shows the state of the server.

User Response:


ADMU0509I: The {0} "{1}" cannot be reached. It appears to be stopped.


This is an informational message indicating that the server appears to be stopped.

User Response:


ADMU0510I: Server {0} is now {1}


This is an informational message the shows the state of the server.

User Response:


ADMU0512I: Server {0} cannot be reached. It appears to be stopped.


This is an informational message indicating that the server appears to be stopped.

User Response:


ADMU0514E: Unsupported JMX Connector: {0}


A JMX connector type was requested that is not supported.

User Response:

Request a connector type that is supported.

ADMU0522E: No server by this name in the configuration: {0}


No server was located in the configuration repository by the specified name.

User Response:

Check the spelling of the server name. Check the integrity of the configuration files.

ADMU0523I: Creating Queue Manager for node {0} on server {1}


This is an informational message marking the progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU0524I: WebSphere Embedded Messaging support not installed; Queue Manager not created


This is an informational message explaining why a Queue Manager is not created.

User Response:


ADMU0525I: Details of Queue Manager creation may be seen in the file: {0}


This is an informational message.

User Response:

Look in the file for more information.

ADMU0526I: Deleting Queue Manager for node {0} on server {1}


This is an informational message marking the progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU0527I: WebSphere Embedded Messaging support not installed; Queue Manager not deleted from server {0}


This is an informational message marking the progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU0528I: Details of Queue Manager deletion may be seen in the file: {0}


This is an informational message.

User Response:

Look in the file for more information.

ADMU0529E: Unexpected exception {0} thrown while restoring application binaries from the base configuration.


During removeNode processing, the applications from the original configuration are put back in place. Something caused this process to fail and manual recovery is necessary.

User Response:

Use EARExpander tool to expand the application ear file to the appropriate location specified by binariesURL attribute in the corresponding deployment.xml config files.

ADMU1211I: To obtain a full trace of the failure, use the -trace option.


This is an informational message indicating that the -trace option is available to be used in order to gather additional trace information.

User Response:

Consider using the -trace option on the command line.

ADMU2001I: Begin removal of node: {0}


This is an informational message indicating that the removeNode program has started.

User Response:


ADMU2003E: No setupCmdLine file found to modify: {0}


The file was not located.

User Response:

Check that a setupCmdLine file exists in the installation.

ADMU2004E: An exception occurred


An exception occurred

User Response:

Record the exception data and perform further problem determination.

ADMU2010I: Stopping all server processes for node {0}


This is an informational message marking the progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU2012I: Backing up Network Deployment configuration.


This is an informational message marking the progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU2014I: Restoring original configuration.


This is an informational message marking the progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU2015I: This exception can be ignored by specifying -force.


This is an informational message explaining that the -force option can be used to eliminate the message.

User Response:


ADMU2016E: Node {0} has not been removed from the Deployment Manager configuration.


The node configuration files remain in the cell configuration repository.

User Response:

If the -force option is used, the cleanupNode utility will need to be run on the Deployment Manager to remove the config files for this node.

ADMU2017I: The local original configuration has been restored.


This is an informational message marking the progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU2018I: Node {0} has been removed from the Deployment Manager configuration.


This is an informational message marking the progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU2019I: Removing installed applications from node {0}.


This is an informational message marking the progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU2020E: Exception removing applications {0}


A problem occurred attempting to remove the applications from this node.

User Response:

Examine the exception to determine the specific problem. To force the node to be removed, specify the -force option.

ADMU2021I: Removing all servers on this node from all clusters in the cell.


This is an informational message marking the progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU2022I: Removing cluster member {0} from cluster {1}.


This is an informational message marking the progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU2023E: Exception removing servers from clusters {0}


A problem occurred attempting to remove the servers from the clusters.

User Response:

Examine the exception to determine the specific problem. To force the node to be removed, specify the -force option.

ADMU2024I: Removal of node {0} is complete.


This is an informational message indicating that removeNode has successfully completed.

User Response:


ADMU2025W: Removal of node {0} is complete, but there were errors.


This node was removed from the cell, but problems occurred during the removal.

User Response:

Examine the previous errors to determine what occurred. The cleanupNode utility may need to be run to remove this node from the Deployment Manager's config.

ADMU2026E: Node {0} is not incorporated into any cell.


An attempt was made to remove a node that has never been added in the first place.

User Response:

Run addNode before attempting to run removeNode.

ADMU2027E: Exception {0} caught in creating varmap for scope {1}, {2}, {3}


The variable map could not be created. This means applications may not be restored or deleted from their binaries URL.

User Response:

Run EARExpander tool to expand the application ear files to their appropriate locations.

ADMU2028E: Exception {0} caught in expanding ear at {1} to {2}


EAR file could not be expanded to the destination.

User Response:

Run EARExpander tool to expand the ear file to its appropriate locations.

ADMU2029E: Exception {0} caught in creating EAR Object from {1}


EAR file could not be obtained from the specified location. The ear will not be expanded to the specified destination.

User Response:

Run EARExpander tool to expand the ear file to its appropriate locations.

ADMU2030E: Exception {0} caught in getting binariesURL from {1}


The specified deployment.xml could not be loaded to obtain binariesURL. The ear file will not be expanded or deleted from that location.

User Response:

Run EARExpander tool to expand the ear file to its appropriate location if needed. Or delete the directory where ear was supposed to be deleted from.

ADMU2031I: Any applications that were uploaded to the {0} cell configuration during addNode using the -includeapps option are not uninstalled by removeNode.



User Response:


ADMU2032I: Use wsadmin or the Administrative Console to uninstall any such applications from the Deployment Manager.



User Response:


ADMU2091E: Exception {0} caught checking product extensions on the node or the Deployment Manager.


A problem occurred trying to determine which product extensions are installed.

User Response:

Examine the exception to determine the specific problem.

ADMU2092E: The node and Deployment Manager must have the same product extensions, but they do not match. The node product extension is {0} and the Deployment Manager product extension is {1}.


The operation cannot be completed because the product extensions do not match.

User Response:

Check the product extensions installed on both the node and the Deployment Manager. Additional product extensions may need to be installed.

ADMU2093E: Custom property {0} has no value.


The specified custom property was found, but has no value.

User Response:

Examine the configuration to be certain a value is specified for the custom property.

ADMU2094W: The node product extension is {0} which does not match the Deployment Manager product extension which is {1}. Some operations and configurations may not be valid on this node.


The operation will continue even though the product extensions do not match.

User Response:

Ensure the necessary product extensions are installed on the node to support any subsequent operations and configurations applied to it. Additional product extensions may need to be installed.

ADMU3000I: Server {0} open for e-business; process id is {1}


This is an informational message indicating that the server has started.

User Response:


ADMU3002E: Exception attempting to process server {0}


A more detailed exception has occurred while attempting to start or stop the named server. This message is always paired with a second message that displays the detailed exception.

User Response:

Record and save the exception information in the follow-on message for further problem determination.

ADMU3007E: Exception {0}


Some general exception condition has been discovered.

User Response:

Combine this information with additional exception messages in order to perform additional problem determination.

ADMU3009E: Exception waiting for server initialization {0}


An exception occurred while the program was listening to the status socket for the server.

User Response:

Record and save the exception information in this message for further problem determination.

ADMU3011E: Server launched but failed initialization. Server log files should contain failure information.


The server process failed to start.

User Response:

Examine the log files to see what failure messages were recorded there.

ADMU3012E: Exception attempting to get free port for status socket {0}


A free port was not able to be allocated for communicating server status.

User Response:

Examine the log file for the utility to perform further problem determination. Attempt to execute the utility again.

ADMU3019E: Exception waiting for server stop {0}


An exception was issued while the server was in the process of stopping.

User Response:

Examine the log files for the server to see why the stop function issued an exception.

ADMU3027E: An instance of the server may already be running: {0}


An attempt has been made to start a server that is already running.

User Response:

Do not attempt to start a server that is already running.

ADMU3028I: Conflict detected on port {0}. Likely causes: a) An instance of the server {1} is already running b) some other process is using port {0}


A port required by this server is already in use by this or aother server.

User Response:

Do not attempt use a port that is already in use.

ADMU3040E: Timed out waiting for server initialization: {0} seconds


The server initialization process has exceeded the timeout limit.

User Response:

Perform problem determination on the server to check for possible errors.

ADMU3054E: No Server MBean named {0} in this process {1}:{2}


The MBean of type Server appears to be missing from the process.

User Response:

Check that the named server is actually running on the host and port specified.

ADMU3055E: Error obtaining MBean by name {0}: {1}


A query to locate an MBean failed.

User Response:

Check that the server process is still running. Examine the log files for the program to perform further problem determination.

ADMU3060E: Timed out waiting for server shutdown.


The amount of time taken for server shutdown exceeded the -timeout value requested.

User Response:

Use a larger -timeout value or perform problem determination on the server to investigate possible errors.

ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: {0}


This is an informational message marking progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU3101I: Using explicit host and port {0}:{1} for server: {2}


This is an informational message indicating that explicit host or port options were used.

User Response:


ADMU3111E: Server stop requested but failed to complete.


The stop request failed. Additional information is supplied in other messages.

User Response:

Record the failure information from the other messages and perform problem determination on the server to investigate why it failed to stop.

ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.


This is an informational message marking progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status.


This is an informational message marking progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU3220I: Base server runtime initialized. Waiting for application initialization.


This is an informational message marking progress of the program.

User Response:


ADMU3300I: Launch script for server created: {0}


This is an informational message indicating that the launch script has been successfully created.

User Response:


ADMU3400I: Server launched. No initialization status. Process id is: {0}


The -nowait option was used for startServer, so no initialization status is available for the launched process.

User Response:


ADMU3401I: Server stop request issued. No stop status requested.


This is an informational message.

User Response:


ADMU3402E: Server name not specified; must supply the name of a server.


This tool requires that a server name be provided.

User Response:

Specify a server name.

ADMU3522E: No server by this name in the configuration: {0}


The specified server name cannot be located within the configuration for this node.

User Response:

Check that the specified name is spelled correctly and that a directory by that name does exist under the servers directory in the configuration.

ADMU4000I: Server {0} stop completed.


This is an informational message indicating that the stopServer command succeeded.

User Response:


ADMU4111E: Program exiting with error: {0}


An error occurred during program execution.

User Response:

Perform problem determination to investigate possible causes.

ADMU4112I: Error details may be seen in the file: {0}


This is an informational message indicating where to look for further information.

User Response:

Look in the file for more information.

ADMU4113E: Verify that user and password information is on the command line (-user and -password) or in the .client.props file.


The tool could not contact the remote server because of a credentials problem.

User Response:

You may need to pass -user & -password on the command prompt, or update the soap/sas.client.props file.

ADMU4122E: The specified server may not be running, or no appropriate username and password are provided if the specified server runs in secure mode


There is a problem establishing a connection to a process.

User Response:

Make sure that the targeted process is really running and make sure that proper username and password are used when attempting to connect to the process running in secure mode.

ADMU4123E: Ensure that the Deployment Manager is running on the specified host and port.


There is a problem establishing a connection to the Deployment Manager.

User Response:

Make sure that the Deployment Manager is really running and make sure that proper hostname and port are used when attempting to connect to the process.

ADMU4211I: To obtain a full trace of the failure, use the -trace option.


This is an informational message telling the user about the -trace command line option.

User Response:


ADMU5001I: Backing up config directory {0} to file {1}


This is an informational message saying the backup is beginning

User Response:


ADMU5002I: {0} files successfully backed up


This is an informational message saying the number of files successfully backed up

User Response:


ADMU5501E: The backup file specified {0} does not exist.


The file specified containing the backed-up config documents cannot be found.

User Response:

Verify that the file given to restoreConfig exists and can be read.

ADMU5502I: The directory {0} already exists; renaming to {1}


This is an informational message saying the location to restore already exists and will be renamed

User Response:


ADMU5503E: The restore location could not be renamed


A problem occurred attempting to rename the restore location

User Response:

Use the -location option to specify a location which does not exist, or one which can be renamed

ADMU5504I: Restore location successfully renamed


This is an informational message saying the location specified has been renamed

User Response:


ADMU5505I: Restoring file {0} to location {1}


This is an informational message saying the restore is beginning

User Response:


ADMU5506I: {0} files successfully restored


This is an informational message saying the number of files successfully restored

User Response:





User Response:


ADMU9991E: Unknown option: {0}


The option specified is not a known option.

User Response:

Examine the usage statement and specify a known option.

ADMU9992E: Parameter required for option: {0}


A parameter is required for the displayed option, and one was not provided.

User Response:

Provide a parameter for this option.