WebSphere Management Process Launching ToolADML0000I: Server initialization completed. Process id is: {0}
This is an informational message indicating that the server process has been started successfully.
User Response:
ADML0003E: Configuration error in ProcessDef Umask {0}
The value of the Umask property is not a valid integer format.
User Response:
Edit the configuration and change the value of the process Umask property.
ADML0004E: Exception attempting to expand variable {0} {1}
The variable in the configuration data could not be resolved.
User Response:
Edit the configuration and change the value of the property to use a variable that can be resolved.
ADML0005I: Missing ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT} variable. Using ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT} as a default.
This is an informational message indicating that the ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT} variable is not set in the configuration files.
User Response:
Edit the configuration and provide a ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT} variable.
ADML0006E: Missing ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT} variable.
No variable setting was found for ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}. This is a required variable.
User Response:
Edit the configuration and provide a ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT} variable.
ADML0008W: Unsupported platform type: {0} {1}
The program has been executed on an operating system platform that is not supported.
User Response:
Do not attempt to run the program on this platform.
ADML0009E: Exception waiting for server initialization {0}
An exception occurred while waiting on the status socket for the process.
User Response:
Record and save the exception information in this message for further problem determination to find the root cause of the failure.
ADML0011E: Server launched but failed initialization. Server log files should contain failure information.
The server failed to run.
User Response:
Look in the log files for the server in order to find information for further problem determination.
ADML0012E: Exception attempting to get free port for status socket {0}
An exception occurred when attempting to bind to a socket for server status. The socket probably is already in use.
User Response:
Record and save the exception information in this message for further problem determination.
This is an informational message indicating progress of the program.
User Response:
ADML0019E: Exception waiting for server stop {0}
An exception occurred during the processing of stop request.
User Response:
Record and save the exception information from this message for further problem determination to investigate why the stop request could not be processed.
ADML0029E: No configuration defined for server: {0}
An attempt has been made to start a server that has no configuration.
User Response:
Check that the server name entered is not a mistake.
ADML0031E: Invalid ExecutableTargetKind: {0}
The value of the ExecutableTargetKind property is not valid.
User Response:
Edit the configuration and change the value of the ExecutableTargetKind to one of the valid values.
ADML0040E: Timed out waiting for server "{0}" initialization: {1} seconds
The server initialization process has exceeded the timeout limit.
User Response:
Perform problem determination on the server to see why it is taking so long to start.
ADML0056E: unable to initiate monitoring for process {0} with pid {1} due to exception: {2}
The node agent failed to establish a connection to the launched process.
User Response:
Record and save the exception information in this message for further problem determination.
ADML0057E: Error occurred executing file synchronization.
The node agent failed to execute the file synchronization
User Response:
Record and save the exception information in this message for further problem determination.
ADML0058E: Error occurred stopping the node.
The node agent failed to stop the local app servers and/or itself.
User Response:
Check the SystemOut.log to see the detailed error if there is any
ADML0059E: Error occurred restarting the node agent. Exception information: {0}
The node agent failed to restart itself.
User Response:
Try to stop and start the node agent using the command line utilities
ADML0060W: Cannot contact server "{0}".
The node agent failed to contact the given server and then assumed the given server is malfunctioning. The given server will be restarted if "autoRestart" attribute is set to "true" in its monitoring policy, which is defined in server.xml file.
User Response:
Check SystemOut.log file for this server; Normally the log file shows why the given server could not respond to the node agent. In case "autoRestart" is set to true, check to see whether it's restarted by the node agent.
ADML0061E: Error occurred during sync. Set synchOnServerStartup to be false if you want to proceed without sync.
The node agent tried to do file synchronization before launching the process, but it failed.
User Response:
Set synchOnServerStartup to be false if you want to proceed without sync.
ADML0062W: Cannot load server.xml for server {0}
The node agent failed to load the server.xml file to read the monitoring policy for given server
User Response:
Open the problem server.xml to check whether there is any XML syntax error.
ADML0063W: Cannot contact server "{0}". Force to stop this server if it is still running.
The node agent failed to contact the given server and then assumed the given server is malfunctioning. The given server will be restarted if "autoRestart" attribute is set to "true" in its monitoring policy, which is defined in server.xml file.
User Response:
Check SystemOut.log file for this server; Normally the log file shows why the given server could not respond to the node agent. In case "autoRestart" is set to true, check to see whether it's restarted by the node agent.
ADML0064I: Restarting unreachable server "{0}".
User Response:
ADML0111E: Server stop requested but failed to complete.
The server did not return a status indicating that it completed shutdown in response to a stop request.
User Response:
Examine the server log files to see if there where exceptions thrown during the stop logic that may have prevented successful shutdown.
ADML0115I: Trace mode is on. Trace output is directed to: {0}
This is an informational message indicating that the trace data is being stored into a file.
User Response:
ADML0220I: Base server runtime initialized. Waiting for application initialization.
This is an information message indicating progress of the program.
User Response:
ADML0523E: An error occurred trying to get the object name of server {0}.: {1}
The query for Server MBean failed and threw an exception.
User Response:
Record and save the exception information in this message. Check the spelling of the server name.
ADML3000E: Unable to locate systemlaunch.properties file: {0}
The systemlaunch.properties file contains default settings for important system properties. This is a required file for server launching.
User Response:
Check that the file is available to be read. Record and save the exception information from this message for further problem determination.
ADML3001W: Missing {0} property in systemlaunch.properties file.
A required property was not located in the system.properties file.
User Response:
Edit the file and add the required property, along with a value for that property.