WebSphere Runtime

WSVR0300I: Problems found in {0}


Parse errors or warnings were found.

User Response:

Fix the errors and warnings.

WSVR0301W: Invalid value type, {0}, expecting {1} at line {2}


The type specified in the XML file was not expected.

User Response:

Fix the XML file such that the appropriate type is used.

WSVR0302W: Invalid value, {0}, at line {1}


The value specified was not valid.

User Response:

Change the value to valid value.

WSVR0303W: Invalid element tagname, {0}, at line {1}


There is no implementation class for the tag.

User Response:

Contact IBM Support

WSVR0304E: Unsupported encoding, {0}


The file encoding is not supported

User Response:

Using an encoding that is supported by Java.

WSVR0305W: Invalid attribute, {0}, at line {1}


The attribute is not valid.

User Response:

Remove the attribute.

WSVR0306E: Unsupported XMI version


The XMI version is not supported

User Response:

Update the file to XMI 2.0

WSVR0307W: Invalid namespace, {0}, at line {1}


The namespace is not valid.

User Response:

Contact IBM Support

WSVR0308W: Unknown package, {0}, at line {1}


The package is not valid.

User Response:

Contact IBM Support

WSVR0309E: No packages have been registered


No packages are registered

User Response:

Contact IBM Support

WSVR0310W: Unable to resolve reference for, {0}, at line {1}


The reference could not be resolved.

User Response:

Contact IBM Support

WSVR0311W: Unknown exception {0}


An unexpected problem occurred.

User Response:

Contact IBM Support

WSVR0312E: Unknown exception {0}


An unexpected problem occurred.

User Response:

Contact IBM Support

WSVR0313E: The Message Driven Bean listener service could not be started, message driven beans will not be able to receive messages.


The message listener service may be disabled.

User Response:

Verify the message listener service is enabled.

WSVR0314E: Failed to parse {0} at line {1}, column {2} {3}


The XML file does not have a valid XML structure

User Response:

Correct the XML file.