WebSphere DynacacheDYNA0001E: The priority value was not a valid number for entry {0}. Use an integer instead of {1}.
The user entered a non-integer or non-positive integer for the priority.
User Response:
Change the priority value to a positive integer.
DYNA0002E: The timeout value was not a valid number for entry {0}. Use an integer instead of {1}.
The user entered a non-integer for the timeout.
User Response:
Change the timeout value to a numeral integer.
DYNA0003E: Not caching {0} due to misconfiguration.
The servlet specified was incorrectly configured for an unknown reason.
User Response:
Check that legal, non-contradictory values have been given, and that all required fields are specified.
DYNA0004E: A default cache entry generator was created, but given no configuration information. This generator will use the URI with no parameters to generate cache IDs. This information should be set in the servletcache.xml file.
A servlet was configured with trivial configuration information. This is legal, though unlikely correct, except for the simplest cases.
User Response:
Verify that the servlet to be cached requires only the invocation URI to determine uniqueness.
DYNA0005E: Duplicate ExternalCacheGroup entry for address {0}.
A duplicate ExternalCacheGroup was entered in the configuration.
User Response:
Remove the duplicate group.
DYNA0006E: ExternalCacheGroup {0} was not found.
The external cache group to which this servlet output should be forwarded, was not registered in the global cache configuration.
User Response:
Check the spelling of this external cache group. If correct, define this group in the global cache properties.
DYNA0007E: Error initializing external cache adapter: {0}
The specified error was thrown during external cache adapter initialization.
User Response:
Identify the cause of the error from the error specific information provided in the message
DYNA0008E: CacheUnit no longer exists.
A message was either sent or received from a cache unit that is no longer registered with this cache unit with a cache replication group.
User Response:
Verify that the specified cache unit should be active; if so, restart the server.
DYNA0009E: No element named {0} in document {1}.
When parsing the document specified, an expected XML element was not found.
User Response:
Check the XML file format against the documentation, looking for a misconfiguration.
DYNA0010E: No element named {0} in {1}.
When parsing the configuration XML files, an expected XML element was not found.
User Response:
Check the XML file format against the documentation, looking for a misconfiguration.
DYNA0011E: Servlet cache file {0} not found; caching is disabled
The specified caching properties were not specified for this application server. Caching is disabled.
User Response:
Build a cache configuration XML file with the specified name. See documentation for instructions on building this file.
DYNA0012I: Dynamic servlet caching is enabled
Dynamic servlet caching is enabled.
User Response:
DYNA0013I: Dynamic servlet caching is disabled
Dynamic servlet caching is disabled.
User Response:
DYNA0014I: {0} is a cacheable URI
A servlet or JSP was initialized that has a valid cache policy configured.
User Response:
DYNA0015I: Dynamic Servlet Caching encountered an error: {0}
General error message.
User Response:
Debug the provided error.
DYNA0016I: Dumped dynamic servlet caching statistics to: {0}
Cache statistics were written to the specified file.
User Response:
This cache unit successfully joined a group of cooperating caches.
User Response:
DYNA0018E: Error loading ID Generator {0}
Error loading ID Generator.
User Response:
Debug the problem using the provided error message.
DYNA0019E: Error loading MetaData Generator {0}
Error loading MetaData Generator.
User Response:
Debug the problem using the provided error message.
DYNA0020E: Unable to cache {0}, request attributes can not be serialized.
Servlet output was marked to be replicated between caches, which requires that all request attributes are able to be serialized.
User Response:
Modify the cache policy for this servlet so that its output is not replicated, or modify the application so that all request attributes can be serialized.
DYNA0021E: Unable to initialize cache unit {0}: {1}
Unanticipated error initializing the cache.
User Response:
Debug the problem using the provided error message.
DYNA0022E: Error processing dynamic cache configuration: {0}
Unanticipated error processing cache configuration.
User Response:
Debug the problem using the provided error message.
DYNA0023E: Error building cache policy {0}. There are no servlet mappings defined for servlet {1}
Could not find a servlet mapping for the cache servlet or JSP.
User Response:
Correct the configuration error using the application assembly tool.
DYNA0024E: Error building cache policy {0}. "Exclude" variables were duplicates or incorrectly defined for cache variable {1}.
Duplicate exclude variables were present.
User Response:
Remove the duplicate or incorrectly defined excludes variables that were specified.
DYNA0025E: Externally caching a servlet automatically uses all request parameters and nothing more in building cache ids. Request parameters may be defined for externally cacheable ONLY for use with the exclude, invalidate, and dataid functions.
An entry was marked as externally cacheable, but also contained additional id generation rules.
User Response:
Remove the additional rules.
DYNA0026E: Error reading element {0}. While processing value {1}, received exception: {2}.
An error occurred while reading the cache configuration file.
User Response:
Correct the error using the provided information.
DYNA0027E: Unrecognized replication policy: {0}.
An unrecognized replication policy was specified.
User Response:
The valid replication policies are not-shared, shared-push, shared-pull, and shared-push-pull.
DYNA0028E: Illegal use of component {0} when idgenerator {1} is already defined.
A cache policy specified both a component and idgenerator for the same cache id rule.
User Response:
You must either use either component tags or an idgenerator but not both simultaneously.
DYNA0029E: Illegal use of idgenerator {0} when component {1} is already defined.
A cache policy specified both a component and idgenerator for the same cache id rule.
User Response:
You must either use either component tags or an idgenerator but not both simultaneously.
DYNA0030E: {0} element is missing required attribute '{1}'.
A required attribute was missing in the cache configuration.
User Response:
Add the required attribute to your cache configuration file.
DYNA0031E: Illegal use of element {0} with id {1}. Field or method element is already present.
The configuration file specified multiple method or field tags for the same component.
User Response:
Eliminate the duplicate method and/or field elements from the component in the configuration file.
DYNA0032E: Element or attribute '{0}' must be set to either the value "true" or "false". Value present: {0}.
The specified element must have a value of either true or false, but another value was specified.
User Response:
Correct the element to have the value "true" or "false".
DYNA0033E: Unable to introspect method {0} from class {1}. Exception: {2}
An error occurred while trying to locate the specified method as specified in the cache configuration file.
User Response:
Verify that the method specified in the cache configuration file exists in the object being invoked and the method is public.
DYNA0034E: Exception invoking method {0} on class {1}. Exception: {2}
An error occurred while invoking the specified method to generate a cache id.
User Response:
Debug the problem using the provided error message.
DYNA0035E: Unable to introspect field {0} from class {1}. Exception: {2}
An error occurred while trying to locate the specified field as specified in the cache configuration file.
User Response:
Verify that the field specified in the cache configuration file exists in the object being invoked and the field is public.
DYNA0036E: Exception retrieving field {0} from class {1}. Exception: {2}
An error occurred while retrieving the specified field to generate a cache id.
User Response:
Debug the problem using the provided error message.
DYNA0037E: Unrecognized element {0} while processing element {1}.
An unrecognized element was encountered while parsing the cache configuration file.
User Response:
Correct the document to match the cachespec.dtd.
DYNA0038E: Unrecognized component type {0} for command {1}.
The specified component type is not valid for command caching.
User Response:
Valid component types for commands are "method" and "field".
DYNA0039E: Commands do not support custom metadata generating classes. You must override the prepareMetaData() method.
The cache configuration file specified a custom metadata generator for a command, but this is not supported.
User Response:
Read the product documentation on implementing the CacheableCommand.prepareMetaData method.
DYNA0040E: Illegal component type {0} servicing {1}.
An unsupported component type was encountered while processing the specified object.
User Response:
Correct the cache configuration policy to contain only valid component types for the specified object.
DYNA0041E: Invalid component type {0} for edgeable fragment {1}.
A servlet or JSP was marked Edgeable, but the cache policy contains component rules which are not valid on an edge server.
User Response:
Correct the cache policy to eliminate the rules that are not executable at the Edge Server, or mark the servlet/JSP as not edgeable.
DYNA0042E: Invalid component type {0} for servlet/jsp fragment {1}.
An unsupported component type was encounted while processing the specified servlet or JSP.
User Response:
Correct the cache configuration policy to contain only valid component types for the specified object.
DYNA0043E: Configuration file {0} contained errors and will not be used.
The specified configuration file contained critical errors and cannot be utilized.
User Response:
Correct the specified errors in the configuration file.
DYNA0044E: XML parsing warning: {0}, while parsing file {1} at line {2}, column {3}.
An XML parsing warning occurred while processing a cache configuration file.
User Response:
Correct the problem specified in the message.
DYNA0045E: XML parsing error: {0}, while parsing file {1} at line {2}, column {3}.
An XML parsing warning occurred while processing a cache configuration file.
User Response:
Correct the problem specified in the message.
DYNA0046E: I/O exception {0} occurred while processing configuration file {1}.
An error occurred while reading the cache configuration file.
User Response:
Correct the problem specified in the message.
DYNA0047I: Successfully loaded cache configuration file {0}.
This message indicates that a cache configuration file was successfully processed from the specified location.
User Response:
DYNA0048I: WebSphere Dynamic Cache initialized successfully.
This message indicates that the WebSphere Dynamic Cache was successfully initialized.
User Response:
DYNA0049E: Unrecognized component type {0}.
The specified component type was present in the cache configuration file, but is not recognized by the cache.
User Response:
Remove the unrecognized component type from the cache configuration file.
DYNA0050E: Unrecognized value {0} for element {1}.
The specified element in the cache configuration file contained an unrecognized value.
User Response:
Consult the WebSphere documentation for valid values for the specified element. Correct the problem.
DYNA0051E: Could not cache a CacheableCommand because WebSphere Dynamic Caching is disabled.
An attempt was made to use a CacheableCommand, but WebSphere Dynamic Caching is disabled.
User Response:
Enable the WebSphere Dynamic Cache so that the command can be cached.
DYNA0052E: The cached object can not be replicated or saved to disk. CacheID={0} ClassName={1} Exception={2}
The object was marked to be replicated between caches or saved to disk which requires the object and all referenced objects within the object be serializable. CacheID is the id of the cache entry that can not be serialized. ClassName is the class name of the cached object that can not be serialized. Exception is the exception received during the serialization attempt.
User Response:
Modify the cache policy for this object so that it is not replicated or saved to disk or modify the application so the object and all referenced objects are serializable.
DYNA0053I: Offload to disk is enabled for cache named "{0}" in directory "{1}".
This message indicates that offload to disk is enabled for the specified cache name. The disk cache is stored in the specified directory.
User Response:
DYNA0054W: Offload to disk is enabled for cache name "{0}". The location "{1}" cannot be created. The default alternate location "{2}" is used instead.
This message indicates that offload to disk is enabled for the specified cache name. The disk cache is stored in the alternate location because specified directory cannot be created.
User Response:
DYNA0055E: Offload to disk is disabled for cache name "{0}" because the location "{1}" or "{2}" cannot be created.
This message indicates that offload to disk is disabled for the specified cache name because disk offload location and default alternate location cannot be created.
User Response:
Make sure the disk offload location has sufficient access privileges.
DYNA0056W: Disk cache files have been reinitialized because of corrupted data.
This message indicates the disk cache files have been reinitialized because of corrupted data. This may have been caused by unexpected JVM termination. All old disk cache contents are lost.
User Response: