IBM WebSphere Validation

CHKW6000E: J2EE Web Services validation failed for module {0}.



User Response:


CHKW6001E: Access of model from IHelper failed.


An internal error occurred.

User Response:


CHKW6002I: Validating webservices in {0}.


Starting JSR109 validation of module {0}.

User Response:

Information only, no action is required.

CHKW6003E: WSDL file {0} was not found in this module.


webservice.xml or webservicesclient.xml referred to file {0} that could not be found in this module.

User Response:

Add a WSDL file named {0} in this module.

CHKW6004E: JAX-RPC mapping file {0} was not found in this module.


webservice.xml or webservicesclient.xml referred to file {0} that could not be found in this module.

User Response:

Add a JAX-RPC mapping file named {0} in this module.

CHKW6005E: Service Endpoint Interface {0} was not found in this module.


webservice.xml or webservicesclient.xml referred to class {0} that could not be found in this module.

User Response:

Add a Service Endpoint Interface named {0} in this module.

CHKW6006E: Service Endpoint Interface {0} must extend java.rmi.Remote either directly or indirectly.


The Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) must follow the JAX-RPC rules for WSDL to Java mapping.

User Response:

Change the declaration of interface {0} to extend java.rmi.Remote.

CHKW6007E: Method {0} in Service Endpoint Interface {1} does not throw java.rmi.RemoteException.


The Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) must follow the JAX-RPC rules for WSDL to Java mapping. They require that all interface methods throw java.rmi.RemoteException.

User Response:

Change the declaration of method {0} in {1} to throw java.rmi.RemoteException.

CHKW6008E: Method {0} in Service Endpoint Interface {1} uses type {2}, which is not a JAX-RPC supported type.


The Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) must follow the JAX-RPC rules for WSDL to Java mapping. They specify that method parameters and return types must be the JAX-RPC supported types.

User Response:

Change the declaration for method {0} in Service Endpoint Interface {1} to use JAX-RPC supported types.

CHKW6009E: Method {0} in Service Endpoint Interface {1} uses type {2}, which is not a JAX-RPC serializable type.


The Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) must follow the JAX-RPC rules for WSDL to Java mapping, which require that all referenced types must be JAX-RPC serializable.

User Response:

Change the declaration for method {0} in Service Endpoint Interface {1} to use JAX-RPC supported types.

CHKW6010E: Field {0} in Interface {1} must not be declared as public static final.


The Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) must follow the JAX-RPC rules for WSDL to Java mapping. They specify that the Service Endpoint Interface class must not include constant (as public final static) declarations.

User Response:

Delete field {0} in Interface {1}.

CHKW6011E: Default public constructor for service implementation class {0} was not found.


Service implementation class {0} must have a default public constructor in order to be a Stateless Session EJB.

User Response:

Add a public default constructor to class {0}.

CHKW6012E: Class {0} does not implement method {1} of the Service Endpoint Interface {2}.


The implementation class must implement the methods of the Service Endpoint Interface.

User Response:

Implement all the method signatures in the {0} class for the Service Endpoint Interface {2}.

CHKW6013E: The visibility for method {0} in class {1} must be public.


The business methods of the class must be public.

User Response:

Change the visibility for method {0} in class {1} to public.

CHKW6014E: Method {0} in class {1} must not be final.


The business methods of the class must not be final.

User Response:

Remove the final modifier for method {0} in class {1}.

CHKW6015E: Method {0} in class {1} must not be static.


The business methods of the class must not be static.

User Response:

Remove the static modifier for method {0} in class {1}.

CHKW6016E: The visibility for the service implementation class {0} must be public.


The service implementation class must be public, must not be final and must not be abstract.

User Response:

Change the visibility for the service implementation class {0} to public.

CHKW6017E: The service implementation class {0} must not be declared final.


The service implementation class must be public, must not be final and must not be abstract.

User Response:

Remove the final modifier for class {0}.

CHKW6018E: Service implementation class {0} must not be declared abstract.


The service implementation class must be public, must not be final and must not be abstract.

User Response:

Remove the abstract modifier for class {0}.

CHKW6019E: Service implementation class {0} must not contain a finalize() method.


A service implementation class must not define the finalize() method.

User Response:

Remove finalize() method from service implementation class {0}.

CHKW6020E: The transaction attributes of method {0} in class {1} must not include Mandatory.


An existing Enterprise Java bean may be used as a Service Implementation Bean if the transaction attributes of the SEI methods do not include Mandatory.

User Response:

Remove Mandatory from the transaction attributes of method {0} in class {1}.

CHKW6021E: Service implementation class {0} was not found in this module.


Service implementation class {0} could not be found this module.

User Response:

Add a service implementation class named {0} in this module.

CHKW6022E: Session EJB {0} must be declared as Stateless in ejb-jar.xml.


Service implementation classes using a session bean must be defined in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor file using the session element and cannot be declared with a session-type of Stateful.

User Response:

Define the EJB named {0} in ejb-jar.xml to have a Stateless session-type.

CHKW6023E: enterprise-beans class {0} defined in ejb-jar.xml must be a session bean.


Service Implementations must be defined in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor file using the session element.

User Response:

Define the class named {0} in ejb-jar.xml using the session element of enterprise-beans.

CHKW6024E: The value of the servlet-link attribute {0} does not correspond to an servlet definition in web.xml.


The servlet-link must refer to a servlet in web.xml.

User Response:

Add a servlet named {0} or change the servlet definition in web.xml.

CHKW6025E: Mapping file {0} must not be specified when no wsdl-file element is specified in webservicesclient.xml.


If wsdl-file is not specified in webservicesclient.xml, jaxrpc-mapping-file must not be specified.

User Response:

Remove mapping file {0} or add a wsdl-file element in webservicesclient.xml.

CHKW6026W: Stub file {0} should not be packaged in module {1}.


The developer must not package generated stubs.

User Response:

Remove all generated stubs from the module.

CHKW6027E: The value of the ejb-link attribute {0} does not correspond to an Enterprise Bean definition in ejb-jar.xml.


The value of the ejb-link element must be the ejb-name of an enterprise bean in the same module.

User Response:

Add a Enterprise Bean named {0} or change the ejb-link definition in ejb-jar.xml.

CHKW6028E: The component-name element {0} does not refer to an ejb-name element in the ejb-jar.xml.


The component-name element defines a link to a component name such as the ejb-name in the module deployment descriptor. Its value must exist in the module level deployment descriptor.

User Response:

Change the component-name element {0} to refer to a ejb-name element in the ejb-jar.xml.

CHKW6029E: Could not find the port component named {0} referenced by port-component-link in service-ref {1} of webservicesclient.xml.


The value of a port-component-link must be the port-component-name of a port-component in the same module or another module in the same application unit.

User Response:

Add a port component named {0} or change the reference in service-ref {1} of webservicesclient.xml.

CHKW6030E: Implementation class {0} referred to by port components {1} and {2}.


A servlet must only be linked to by a single port-component. A session EJB must only be linked to by a single port-component.

User Response:

Change either port component {1} or port component {2} so that they do not both reference implementation class {0}.

CHKW6031E: Multiple servlet mappings detected for servlet named {0} in web.xml.


No more than one servlet-mapping may be specified for a servlet that is linked to by a port-component.

User Response:

Remove duplicate servlet mappings for servlet named {0} in web.xml.

CHKW6032E: Servlet mapping for servlet {0} must not contain an asterisk in the url-pattern.


The url-pattern of the servlet-mapping must be an exact match pattern.

User Response:

Change servlet mapping for servlet {0} so it does not contain an asterisk.

CHKW6033E: Port {0} is not compatible with Service Endpoint Interface {1}.


When providing a binding for a port-component-ref, the deployer must ensure that the port-component-ref is compatible with the port being bound to.

User Response:

Change port {0} to be compatible with Service Endpoint Interface {1}.

CHKW6034E: wsdl-file {0} cannot use both mapping files {1} and {2}.


Only one mapping file can be associated with a wsdl-file.

User Response:

Specify a unique mapping file for the wsdl-file in webservicesclient.xml.

CHKW6035E: Missing jaxrpc-mapping-file in webservicesclient.xml.


The developer must specify the jaxrpc-mapping-file if wsdl-file is specified.

User Response:

Add a jaxrpc-mapping-file element in webservicesclient.xml.

CHKW6036E: The serviceRefLink {0} specified in ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xml not the name of a service-ref in webservicesclient.xml.


serviceRefLink must name a service-ref in webservicesclient.xml.

User Response:

Correct the serviceRefLink to name a service-ref in webservicesclient.xml.

CHKW6037E: The deployedWSDLFile path {0} specified in ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xml does not reference a WSDL file in this module.


deployedWSDLFile must be the relative path within the module of the WSDL file.

User Response:

Correct the path or add the WSDL file at the specified path.

CHKW6038E: The defaultMappings element specified for service-ref {0} in ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xml references portType {1} or port {2} that is not present in WSDL file {3}.


defaultMappings must reference a port and portType in the wsdl-file associated with the service-ref.

User Response:

Correct the attributes of the defaultMappings element to refer to a port and portType in {3}.

CHKW6039E: The portQnameBindings port name {0} specified for service-ref {1} in ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xml references a port that is not present in WSDL file {2}.


portQnameBindings must reference a port in the wsdl-file associated with the service-ref.

User Response:

Correct the portQnameBindings attributes to refer to a port in {2}.

CHKW6040E: The componentNameLink attribute {0} specified for service-ref {1} in ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xml references a component-name that does not exist in webservicesclient.xml.


The componentNameLink attribute must reference a component-name in webservicesclient.xml.

User Response:

Modify the componentNameLink attribute to match a component-name in webservicesclient.xml.

CHKW6041E: The scope attribute {0} specified for port-component {1} in ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xml is not Request, Session, or Application.


The scope attribute must reference must be either Request, Session, or Application.

User Response:

Correct the scope attribute.

CHKW6042E: The pcNameLink attribute {0} specified for webservice-description {1} in ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xml references a port-component that does not exist in webservices.xml.


The pcNameLink attribute must reference a port-component-name in webservices.xml.

User Response:

Modify the pcNameLink attribute to match a port-component-name in webservices.xml.

CHKW6043E: The wsDescNameLink attribute {0} specified in ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xml references a webservice-description-name that does not exist in webservices.xml.


The wsDescNameLink attribute must reference a webservice-description in webservices.xml.

User Response:

Modify the wsDescNameLink attribute to match a webservice-description-name in webservices.xml.

CHKW6045E: The routerModules name {0} in ibm-webservices-bnd.xml references a module that does not exist in the application.


The routerModules name attribute must reference a module in the current application. It is normally added by the endptEnabler

User Response:

Either repair the routerModules name or delete the routerModules element and run the endptEnabler command again on the application.