JNDI Name Services
Webserver Plugins and Native Code
Servlet Engine
WebSphere TransactionsNMSV0001W: Bootstrap server caught an exception {0}
User Response:
NMSV0002W: The getObjectInstance method failed: {0}
User Response:
NMSV0003E: Failed to get an initial naming context: {0}
User Response:
NMSV0004W: The deserializeObject method caught ClassNotFound exception: {0}
User Response:
NMSV0005W: The deserializeObject method failed: {0}
User Response:
NMSV0006E: Caught an exception: InvalidServantException
User Response:
NMSV0007W: Failed to create tables {0}
User Response:
NMSV0008W: The serializeObject method failed
User Response:
NMSV0009W: doLookup: CommFailure. Will return object for WLM.{0}
User Response:
NMSV0010E: Failed to start the Bootstrap server {0}
User Response:
NMSV0011E: CosNamingServer caught exception: AdapterAlreadyExistsException.
User Response:
This is a Web Container exception which can be caused by one of three things: 1. An error occured while preinvoking the security collaborator. 2. An error occured while processing the server connection. 3. An error occured while processing the servlet request.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
This is a transport error which occurs when bad data has been encountered.
User Response:
If this problem persists check the transport configuration associated with the transport which caused the error.
PLGN0006E: Illegal use of OSEListenerDispatcher by plugin.
This is an internal error which occurs when the plugin forces the application server dispatchers to handle more than one request at a time.
User Response:
Check the logs for an IllegalStateException which should occur just before this error, and contact IBM support if the problem persists.
This is a Web Container exception which can be caused by one of three things: 1. An error occured while preinvoking the security collaborator. 2. An error occured while processing the server connection. 3. An error occured while processing the servlet request.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
PLGN0010W: Cannot create SQEventImp
Pooled resources don't contain any SQEvents
User Response:
Problems occured when closing the server queue.
User Response:
Examine server logs for exceptions.
PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found {0}
The virtual host containing requested application is not found.
User Response:
Check the virtual host on which application is installed. Make sure virtual host configuration has alias with host and port defined as invoked by clients.
PLGN0024E: No certificates {0}
This error occured because of a bad or missing X.509 certificate.
User Response:
Check the logs for the exception to see the exact trace. Regenerate or obtain a new certificate if the error persists.
An error occured while processing a queued service event.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
PLGN0062W: The plugin configuration generator encountered a duplicate context root: {0}. Applications with duplicate context roots may not run correctly.
This error occured because two installed applications were found to have the same context root (path). This may lead to indeterminate behaviour.
User Response:
One of the applications will need to be uninstalled, and then reinstalled using a different context root. If for some reason itis not possible to uninstall and reinstall, contact IBM support.
SRVE0002E: Illegal Argument Exception: Error reading bootstrap file
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure..
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0003I: Using /default servlet_engine for configuration data
User Response:
SRVE0004W: Illegal Argument Exception: Invalid transport name: {0}
The specified transport name is not valid.
User Response:
Define a transport conforming to the transport definition rules.
SRVE0005E: Failure to add WebGroup {0}
Failed to add the web group specified in the message to the web container.
User Response:
Check the definitions for the web group (web module) in web.xml.
Error in the JNDI service.
User Response:
Be sure that you have defined a JNDI service and that its port is not in use by another application.
SRVE0007E: Internal Error: Connection queue overflow
Connection queue has overflowed.
User Response:
Increase the size of the connection queue.
SRVE0008E: iiopredirector XML contains invalid XML syntax
iiopredirector XML contains invalid XML syntax
User Response:
Examine the iiopredirector xml for syntax conformance.
SRVE0009I: Invalidation Exception: JarFileClassProvider is invalid. File has been deleted
User Response:
SRVE0011E: Illegal Argument Exception: Trying to write < 0 chars
Attempting to output a buffer of size less than 0.
User Response:
Only write buffers of size of 0 or greater.
SRVE0012E: Error creating Initial Systems Management Configuration
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0013E: MalformedXMLInfoException: Missing name in init-parameter
Initialization parameter name not found.
User Response:
Specify a parameter name in the web.xml file.
SRVE0014E: Uncaught service() exception root cause {0}: {1}
Uncaught exception thrown in servlet service method.
User Response:
Varies by root cause.
SRVE0015E: Failure to initialize Web application {0}
Could not initialize the web application specified in the message.
User Response:
Check all definitions for this web application (web module) in the application.xml and web.xml files.
SRVE0016E: Illegal Argument Exception: Invalid header format
Invalid format found for a request header.
User Response:
Check client header creation.
SRVE0017W: Web Group not found: {0}
Could not find the specified web group (web module).
User Response:
Be sure the web group is defined and deployed. Also check to be sure that a host and port have been defined for your virtual hosts and that there are no host/port conflicts across your virtual hosts.
SRVE0018E: Error occurred while reloading servlet group: {0}
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0019I: Place your servlet's class on classpath of the application server {0}: {1}
User Response:
SRVE0020E: [Servlet Error]-[{0}]: {1}: {2}
An error was encountered in the specified servlet.
User Response:
Varies by reported cause.
SRVE0021I: Servlet unloaded: {0}
User Response:
SRVE0022E: Unable to locate a matching Virtual Host: {0}
Could not find a definition for the specified virtual host.
User Response:
Make sure the virtual host is defined in the virtualhosts.xml file.
SRVE0023E: Web Group not found
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0024E: Failure to set attribute
Could not set an attribute.
User Response:
Make sure the attribute conforms to attribute guidelines.
SRVE0025E: Error creating queue.properties/rules.properties
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0026E: [Servlet Error]-[{0}]: {1}
An error was encountered in the specified servlet.
User Response:
Varies by reported cause.
SRVE0027E: Object Pool Exception: Class not accessible to instantiate.
Class specified to object pool is not accessible.
User Response:
Be sure the class is on the object pool's classpath.
SRVE0028E: An error occured in plug-in configuration
Error encountered reading plug-in configuration.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0029E: Unable to shutdown host
Could not shutdown server.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
User Response:
SRVE0031E: Illegal Argument Exception: {0} is not a directory.
The specified path is not a directory.
User Response:
Make sure the directory exists or that you are requesting the right directory.
SRVE0032I: [Servlet Message]-[{0}]: {1}
User Response:
SRVE0033E: Unable to cleanly stop the transport
Error encountered stopping a transport.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0034I: Servlet redirector is running
User Response:
SRVE0035E: WebAppSecurityCollaborator
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0037E: Object is not serializable
A remote object is not serializable.
User Response:
Be sure your remote objects implement the Serializable interface.
SRVE0038E: Unable to initialize IIOPRedirector Transport
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0039E: Error Invoking Servlet {0}
Problem invoking the specified servlet.
User Response:
Be sure the servlet is defined and accessible.
SRVE0040W: Total read equals zero
Total read equals zero.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0041E: Illegal Argument Exception: Bootstrap file not found
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0042E: Illegal Argument Exception: Invalid content length
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
Internal error encountered.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0044E: Servlet Exception: Missing resource: {0}
Could not find the specified resource for a servlet.
User Response:
Be sure the resource exists and has been defined.
SRVE0045W: Invalidation Exception: JarFileClassProvider is invalid. File has been updated
JarFileClassProvider is invalid. File has been updated.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0046E: Error creating an instance of the input class!
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0047E: An error occurred during destroy
An error occurred during a servlet destroy.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0048I: Loading servlet: {0}
The specified servlet is being loaded for service.
User Response:
SRVE0049E: An error occurred during plug-in configuration notification
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0051E: An internal engine error occurred while processing request
Internal engine error.
User Response:
Gather server logs and contact IBM service.
SRVE0052E: Unable to load specified configuration file
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0053E: Illegal Argument Exception: Invalid date format
Invalid date format.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0054E: An error occurred while loading Web application
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0055I: Servlet wait for destroy time-out has expired, destroy will be forced: {0}
Servlet is being destroyed after wait has timed out.
User Response:
SRVE0056E: Illegal Argument Exception: Unsupported flag
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0057E: Class Cast Exception: Input class does not implement IPoolable
Input class is not poolable.
User Response:
Implement the IPoolable interface in the input class.
SRVE0058E: Did not realize destroy() exception thrown by servlet {0}: {1}
Could not destroy specified servlet.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0059E: Error handling invocation {0}
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0060E: Unable to bind host name [{0}] to servletHost [{1}]
Could not bind the specified host name to the specified serlvet host.
User Response:
Make sure the host name has been specified correctly and that the servlet host has been specified in virtualhosts.xml.
SRVE0061E: Illegal Argument Exception: Invalid directory specified: {0}
The specified directory is invalid.
User Response:
Check directory specification for errors.
SRVE0062I: Server name not specified. Using first servlet engine in configuration file
Using first server specification found.
User Response:
SRVE0063E: An internal engine error occurred while sending error to client: {0}
Internal web container error.
User Response:
Gather server logs and contact IBM service.
SRVE0064E: An error occurred while restarting Web application
Unable to restart a web application.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0066I: Waiting for servlet to finish servicing requests: {0}
User Response:
SRVE0067E: IllegalStateException: No Target Set
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0068E: Did not realize service() exception thrown by servlet {0}: {1}
Could not invoke service method for the specified servlet.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0069I: Initializing Default Server
User Response:
SRVE0070E: Error initializing for next request
Internal web container error.
User Response:
Gather server logs and contact IBM service.
SRVE0071E: Failed to retrieve attribute names
Internal web container error.
User Response:
Gather server logs and contact IBM service.
SRVE0072E: Transport Exception
Exception received in http transport.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0073E: Servlet Exception: Error while finishing response {0}
Internal web container error.
User Response:
Gather server logs and contact IBM service.
SRVE0074E: MalformedXMLInfoException: Unsupported attribute type: {0}
The specified attribute is not supported.
User Response:
Remove the attribute from any XML file that contains it.
SRVE0075E: Error reloading session context
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0076E: IO Exception: Tried to write more than the content length
Internal server error.
User Response:
Gather logs and contact IBM service.
SRVE0077E: Servlet Exception: Could not load Web application {0}
Could not load the specified Web application.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0078E: Servlet Exception: non-HTTP request or response
A request or response serviced by a servlet is not of type HTTP.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0079E: Servlet host not found
No servlet host found.
User Response:
Make sure virtual hosts have been defined in virtualhosts.xml.
SRVE0080E: Invalid content length
Internal server error.
User Response:
Gather logs and contact IBM service.
SRVE0081I: Started Default Server
User Response:
SRVE0082E: Could not find resource /iiopredirector.xml
Could not find the specified resource.
User Response:
Be sure the resource exists.
SRVE0083E: Failure to restart WebGroup {0}
Failure to restart WebGroup.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0084E: Class name malformed
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0085E: Error initializing Default Server
Could not initialize the default server.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0086E: Illegal Argument Exception: Missing resource bootstrap properties
Internal server error.
User Response:
Gather logs and contact IBM service.
SRVE0087E: Failed to remove attribute
Could not remove an attribute.
User Response:
The attribute might not have been present. Be sure attribute exists and retry.
SRVE0088I: Creating Sample Server Configuration
User Response:
SRVE0089E: Error getting remote attribute: {0}
Could not get the specified remote attribute.
User Response:
Could be caused by connectivity problems. Wait and try again.
SRVE0090E: Servlet Not Found Exception: {0}
The specified servlet could not be found.
User Response:
Make sure the servlet exists and is defined properly in the web.xml file.
User Response:
SRVE0092I: [Servlet LOG]: {0}: {1}
User Response:
SRVE0093E: Unable to create RemoteSRP Bean
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0094E: Error loading ServletEngineInfo: {0}
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0095I: Servlet has become temporarily unavailable for service: {0}
Specified servlet is temporarily unavailable.
User Response:
Wait and retry operation. Servlet might have been removed from service by server administrator.
SRVE0096E: Failed to start administrative transport
Could not start the transport for the administration service.
User Response:
Gather logs and contact IBM support.
SRVE0097I: Servlet unload initiated: {0}
User Response:
SRVE0098I: Generating plug-in configuration for this node
User Response:
SRVE0099E: Object Pool Exception: Class could not be instantiated.
Could not instantiate a class for use by the object pool.
User Response:
Be sure the class exists and is visible on the application classpath.
SRVE0100E: Did not realize init() exception thrown by servlet {0}: {1}
Could not initialize the specified servlet.
User Response:
Make sure the servlet class file is available on the application classpath.
SRVE0101E: Error Initializing IIOPRedirector
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0102E: MalformedXMLInfoException: Duplicate init-parameter detected [{0}]
Two initialization parameters have the same xml id.
User Response:
Make sure all initialization parameters have unique id's.
SRVE0103E: Illegal Argument Exception: ScriptName must be the first part of the URI
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0104E: Unable to load administrative configuration. The initial configuration will not be created
Internal server error.
User Response:
Gather logs and contact IBM service.
SRVE0105E: An exception occurred in Session.releaseSession()
Problem releasing a session.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0106E: Unable to remove remote attribute named: {0}
Unable to remove the specified remote attribute.
User Response:
Potentially a network problem. Wait and try again.
SRVE0107I: Servlet has become permanently unavailable for service: {0}
Servlet is no longer available for service.
User Response:
Restart the web application containing the servlet.
SRVE0108E: Illegal Argument Exception: Missing flag value
Missing flag value.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0109E: Illegal Argument Exception: Invalid ObjectPool instantiated.
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0110E: Failure to create distributed attribute list. Attributes will not be shared across clones
Failure to create distributed attribute list.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0111E: Unable to load administrative configuration. The default server will not be started
Internal server error.
User Response:
Gather logs and contact IBM service.
SRVE0112E: Error locating a matching Virtual Host
Could not find a virtual host for the web application.
User Response:
Be sure the web application is bound to a valid virtual host.
SRVE0113E: Failure to set the Dirty bit on all active nodes
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0114E: Unable to export RemoteSRP Connection Object
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0115E: Error occurred while invoking error reporter {0}
Problem invoking the specified error reporter.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0116E: Could not find resource iiopredirector.xml on the classpath
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0117E: Unable to get remote attribute names
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0118E: Could not find resource /default.servlet_engine
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0119E: Number Format Exception: Invalid Integer Format
Invalid Integer Format.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
IO error encountered.
User Response:
Varies depending on reported root cause.
SRVE0121E: Illegal Argument Exception: Trying to write < 0 bytes
Attempting to output a buffer of size less than 0.
User Response:
Only write buffers of size of 0 or greater.
SRVE0122W: No such servlet host: [{0}]
The specified servlet host could not be found.
User Response:
Be sure the virtual host specifications in virtualhosts.xml are valid.
A servlet encountered the specified error.
User Response:
Varies by root cause.
SRVE0124E: Error while shutting down the application server
Problem encountered while shutting down the server.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0125E: MalformedXMLInfoException: Missing value in init-parameter [{0}]
The specified initialization parameter is missing a value.
User Response:
Be sure the definition for the parameter in the web.xml file is complete.
SRVE0126E: Invalidation Exception: {0} was created
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0127E: Unable to obtain Object from object pool {0}
Internal server error.
User Response:
Gather server logs and contact IBM Service.
SRVE0128E: Error invoking servlet {0}
Problem encountered invoking the specified servlet.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0129W: IO Exception: Connection reset
The server connection was reset.
User Response:
Retry any previously failing operations.
SRVE0130I: Servlet available for service: {0}
User Response:
SRVE0131I: Servlet redirector starting
User Response:
SRVE0132E: IO Error: Invalid content length
Invalid content length.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0133E: An error occurred while parsing parameters. {0}
Problem encountered parsing servlet parameters.
User Response:
Check parameter definitions in the web.xml file.
SRVE0134E: Failed to retrieve attribute
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0135E: Pool Session Exception: Error creating an instance of the input class!
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0136I: HTTP transport started on Port {0}
User Response:
SRVE0137E: An error occurred while disabling servlet {0}
Problem encountered disabling the specified servlet.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0138E: postInvoke Security Exception
Security problem encountered during request processing.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0139E: Exception in Security preInvoke {0}
Security problem encountered during request processing.
User Response:
Varies with root cause.
SRVE0140E: Could not instantiate the security collaborator {0}
Internal server error.
User Response:
Gather logs and contact IBM service.
SRVE0141E: Encountered a servlet mapping without a corresponding servlet: {0}. Please check the deployment descriptor
Servlet mapping defined with the specified servlet, but servlet was not defined.
User Response:
Make sure the servlet is defined in the web.xml file.
SRVE0142E: Failed to load WebApp Bindings {0}
Could not find the bindings for the web application.
User Response:
Be sure that the ibm-web-bnd.xmi file exists for the application.
SRVE0143W: NumberFormatException in String value for {0} environment entry {1} {2}
Number format problem in the specified environment entry.
User Response:
Correct the environment entry.
SRVE0144W: Invalid type encountered in java:comp binding
Invalid type encountered in java:comp binding.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0145E: Unknown OSE transport link type {0}
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0146E: Failed to Start Transport on host {1}, port {2}. The most likely cause is that the port is already in use. Please ensure that no other applications are using this port and restart the server. {0}
Failure starting a server transport.
User Response:
Be sure that the defined transport port is not in use by another application.
SRVE0147E: No Virtual Host defined for web module: {0} The Web Application will not be loaded.
A virtual host has not been bound to the specified web module.
User Response:
Specify a virtual host in the web application's ibm-web-bnd.xmi file.
SRVE0148W: Failed to load WAR {0}/{1} : {2}
Unable to load the specified WAR file. Most likely a definition problem.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0149E: Unable to restart Web Application. Specified Application not found: {0}
Could not find the definition for the specified web application.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0150E: An error occurred reading the Web Module resource. The Web Application will not be loaded.
Problem encountered reading the web module definition for the web application.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0151E: A Web Module referenced an empty resource. The Web Application will not be loaded.
A resource defined in the web application is empty.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0152E: An error occurred referencing the Web Module resource. The Web Application will not be loaded.
Problem encountered reading the web module definition for the web application.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0153E: An error occurred while removing the Web Application {0}
Problem encountered removing the specified web application.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0154E: Illegal Argument: ScriptName must be the first part of the URI
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0155E: Failed to load encoding.properties file {0}
Could not load the specified file.
User Response:
Be sure the specified file exists.
SRVE0156E: Failed to load converter.properties file {0}
Could not load the specified file.
User Response:
Be sure the specified file exists.
SRVE0157E: setBufferSize() called after first write to Output Stream/Writer
An attempt was made to set the response buffer size after the response was already commited.
User Response:
Remove the setBufferSize() call or move it to a position before the response commit.
SRVE0158E: Failed to obtain the Context Path for the Web Application
Could not determine the context path for a web application.
User Response:
Be sure a context path has been defined for the web application in the application.xml file.
SRVE0159E: Failed to load the Session Context: {0}
Could not load the specified session context.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0160E: Exception while rolling back UserTransaction: {0}
Problem encountered rolling back the specified user transaction.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0161I: IBM WebSphere Application Server - Web Container. Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2002
Application server identifier.
User Response:
SRVE0162I: Servlet Specification Level: 2.3
The servlet specification level supported by the application server.
User Response:
SRVE0163I: Supported JSP Specification Level: 1.2
The JSP specification level supported by the application server.
User Response:
SRVE0164E: Web Application {0} uses the context root {1}, which is already in use by Web Application {2}. Web Application {3} will not be loaded.
Two web applications on the same virtual host share the same context root.
User Response:
Either change the context root of one of the web applications or move one to a different virtual host.
SRVE0165E: Failed to restart Web Application: {0}
Could not restart the specified web application.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0166E: Virtual host not specified. Using {0}.
No virtual host has been bound to the web application. Using default.
User Response:
If a different virtual host is desired, specify one in the web application bindings.
SRVE0167I: Session Manager is Configured - Initializing...
User Response:
SRVE0168E: Session Manager is Not Configured.
Session manager has not been configured for the web container.
User Response:
Define the session manager properties in the server.xml file.
SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: {0}.
User Response:
SRVE0170I: Stopping Web Module: {0}.
User Response:
SRVE0171I: Transport {0} is listening on port {1}.
User Response:
SRVE0172I: Stopped transport {0} on port {1}.
User Response:
SRVE0180I: [{0}] [{1}] [Servlet.LOG]: {2}
User Response:
SRVE0181I: [{0}] [{1}] [Servlet.LOG]: {2}: {3}
User Response:
SRVE0182E: Caught an exception trying to load a JSP on startup: {0}
A JSP file that is deployed in web.xml and is indicated to load-on-startup failed to translate or compile.
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the failure. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0183E: LocalTransaction rolled-back due to setRollbackOnly
LocalTransaction rolled-back due to setRollbackOnly action by the application
User Response:
Examine the server logs in order to determine the root cause of the failure. Also check your application for setRollBackOnly calls. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
SRVE0500W: The keystore or truststore type specified is invalid. Adjusting to use the correct type, however, please correct the SSL configuration for performance reasons.
The keystore or truststore type specified is invalid.
User Response:
Modify the SSL configuration so that the keystore or truststore type is a valid type. You can check the keystore and truststore types by loading them in WebSphere's IKeyMan tool.
WTRN0001W: An exception occurred when obtaining an otid_t object from the transaction service. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0002E: An exception occured when attempting to enlist a resource with the transaction service. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
The transaction service was unable to enlist a transactional resource because either the server was not fully started or the enlist was attempted in a client process.
User Response:
Ensure that the resource is not being enlisted during server startup or inside a client process.
WTRN0004W: An exception occured when destroying an XA resource. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
The transaction service was unable to destroy an XAResource.
User Response:
No action is required as this should not affect the running of the transaction service.
WTRN0005W: An exception occured while creating an XAConnection and XAResource. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
A problem has occured attempting to access a resource provided by a resource manager (such as a database).
User Response:
Ensure the expected resource managers and resources are accessible. For example, ensure that all data sources are correctly defined.
WTRN0006W: Encountered an error while closing XAConnection: {0} The exception stack trace follows: {1}
An SQLException occured when attempting to close a connection to the resource manager.
User Response:
No action is required, as this should not affect the running of the transaction service.
WTRN0008W: Object cannot be deserialized. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0009W: An attempt by the transaction manager to call commit on a transactional resource has resulted in an XAER_RMFAIL error. The resource was {0}
The commit call on a transactional resource did not succeed as the resource manager was unavailable. The commit call will be retried at regular intervals.
User Response:
Ensure that the resource manager is available.
WTRN0010E: Encountered an error while building a JTAXAResource object
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0011W: One-phase resource does not support commit
A resource that only supports one-phase optimized commit has been enlisted with the transaction service and called to process a standard two phase commit operation. This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0012E: An exception occured when attempting to enlist a resource with the transaction service. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
The transaction service was unable to enlist a transactional resource because either the server was not fully started or the enlist was attempted in a client process.
User Response:
Ensure that the resource is not being enlisted during server startup or inside a client process.
WTRN0013E: An xa_rollback operation on a transactional resource failed. The global transaction was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
An exception occured when the transaction service called the xa_rollback operation on a resource enlisted with the given global transaction.
User Response:
This exception may indicate that a heuristic has occured. If this is the case, correct all application data problems that were caused by the heuristic decision.
WTRN0014W: An XAER_RMERR occured when committing the work on a transaction branch. The resource was: {0}
A failure has been detected during the commit process for a transaction.
User Response:
Correct any application data problems that were caused by this failure.
WTRN0016W: The transaction service can't complete a nested transaction
This error indicates an attempt to complete a nested transaction. As nested transactions are not supported, this indicates an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0017W: The transaction service encountered an error on an xa_recover operation. The resource was {0}. The error code was {1}. The exception stack trace follows: {2}
The transaction service encountered an error when calling xa_recover on a resource, in order to determine the prepared transactions held by the corresponding resource manager. The operation will be retried.
User Response:
Examine the error code in order to determine the cause of the failure.
WTRN0018W: Unknown XAResource state
An XAResource was in an unexpected state. This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0019W: Unable to create XAResourceFactory. The XAResourceFactory class name was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
This failure indicates that during server recovery, the given factory for creating XAResource objects could not be found. This is an internal system error.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0020W: An xa_forget operation on a transactional resource encountered an exception. The error code was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
An exception occured when the transaction service called the xa_forget operation on a resource.
User Response:
Examine the error code to determine what caused this error.
WTRN0022W: The JTAXAResource object is null
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0024W: Invalid XA end flag: {0}
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0025W: The XAResource for a transaction participant could not be recreated and transaction recovery may not be able to complete properly. The resource was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
This failure indicates that during server recovery an XAResource object could not be recreated by its corresponding factory.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0027W: XAResource is not known to this transaction. The resource was: {0}
The transaction manager was unable to delist an XAResource because it had not been previously enlisted with the current transaction. This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0028W: An exception occurred in the Current.get_control method. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0030W: TMRESUME is not supported
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0035W: An exception occured in the Current.get_coordinator method. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0036I: Unable to establish adapters. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
This is an internal system error that occured during server initialization and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0040I: The transaction service detected an invalid log file configuration string. The transaction service will continue without recovery logging.
The transaction service log file configuration string specified in systems management is invalid. The format should be a fully qualified log file directory optionally followed a ';' and the log file size. The log file size should be followed by either 'M' or 'K' to indicate megabytes or kilobytes respectively. The default and minimum log file size is 1M.
User Response:
Correct the transaction service log file configuration. Ensure that the server is restarted to enable transaction recovery logging.
WTRN0041E: The transaction service encountered an exception while initializing log file {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
The transaction service attempted to create a new transaction log file but was unable to do so.
User Response:
This is most likely to be an IO failure. Examine the exception stack trace to determine the cause of the problem.
WTRN0042W: Giving up on outcome delivery
The transaction service was unable to deliver a commit or rollback outcome to a transaction participant.
User Response:
Outcome delivery will be attempted each time the server is restarted.
WTRN0044I: Prepare phase operating on nested transaction
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
This message code is used to support messages that have not yet been allocated their own message code.
User Response:
Refer to the message text for more information.
WTRN0049E: Invalid transaction log file size specified: {0}. The transaction service will use default log file size of 1M.
The transaction service log file configuration string specified in systems management is invalid. The format should be a fully qualified log file directory optionally followed a ';' and the log file size. The log file size should be followed by either 'M' or 'K' to indicate megabytes or kilobytes respectively. The default and minimum log file size is 1M.
User Response:
Correct the transaction service log file configuration.
WTRN0050E: The transaction service log file {0} has become corrupted.
The transaction service recovery log file has become corrupted and as a result server startup has failed.
User Response:
To cold start the server, delete the transaction log files and restart the server. It will be necessary to manually complete any transactions that were pending in associated resource managers.
WTRN0051W: The transaction service cannot recover resource {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
An internal system error occured when the transaction service attempted to reconstruct a transaction participant during recovery. This is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0057I: At least two file/device names are required
User Response:
WTRN0058I: Sample specification for using two log files of 2 MB each, logFile1, logFile2;2M
User Response:
WTRN0060W: The transaction service was unable to find resource class {0}.
The transaction service was unable to find the given XA resource class.
User Response:
Ensure that the associated XA resource provider is configured and restart the server. The resource can then be unconfigured and the server shutdown.
WTRN0061W: A heuristic condition may have occurred for transaction {0}
The transaction service has detected that the specified transaction involved mixed one phase and two phase capable resources. The transaction service passed a one phase commit request to the single one phase capable resource, but the server failed before the commit could complete. It is not known if the resource committed successfully.
User Response:
All two phase capable resources will be rolled back. If the one phase capable resource successfully processed commit, then heuristic damage has occurred and all application data problems that were caused by the heuristic must be corrected.
WTRN0062E: An illegal attempt to use multiple resources that have only one-phase capability has occurred within a global transaction.
Only a single resource that is limited to one-phase capability may be enlisted in a global transaction. This error occurs if muliple resource managers that are only one-phase capable are used within a global transaction or if multiple unshared connections from a single such resource manager are used within a global transaction.
User Response:
Modify the application to use only a single resource that is limited to one-phase capability or else use two-phase capable XAResources.
WTRN0063E: An illegal attempt to enlist a one phase capable resource with existing two phase capable resources has occurred.
The transaction service has refused an attempt to enlist a one phase capable resource with a transaction already involving other two phase capable resources, as the application does not accept the heuristic risk that this would involve.
User Response:
Ensure that one and two phase capable resources are not involved in the same transaction, or reconfigure the application to accept the heuristic risk that this would involve.
WTRN0064E: An illegal attempt to enlist a two phase capable resource with an existing one phase capable resource has occurred.
The transaction service has refused an attempt to enlist a two phase capable resource with a transaction already involving a single one phase capable resource, as the application does not accept the heuristic risk that this would involve.
User Response:
Ensure that one and two phase capable resources are not involved in the same transaction, or reconfigure the application to accept the heuristic risk that this would involve.
WTRN0065W: An incomplete transaction was found during an asynchronous operation. The transaction will be rolled back.
The EJB method which was invoked began a UserTransaction but did not complete it. The transaction was rolled back.
User Response:
Ensure that transactions begun during EJB methods are completed before the method returns.
WTRN0066W: Transaction {0} has timed out after {1} seconds.
The transaction service has timed out (rolled back) the given transaction.
User Response:
To reduce future timeout occurrences, increase the transaction timeout values.
WTRN0067W: Unable to begin a nested transaction. Nested transactions are not supported.
This error indicates an attempt to begin a nested transaction, but nested transactions are not supported.
User Response:
Ensure that no attempt is made to begin a transaction when another transaction is already active on the thread of execution.
WTRN0068W: During server quiesce transaction {0} was found. The attempt to rollback the transaction succeeded.
During the quiesce phase of server shutdown an outstanding transaction was found. This transaction was rolledback successfully.
User Response:
No user action is required.
WTRN0069W: During server quiesce transaction {0} was found. The attempt to rollback the transaction failed.
During the quiesce phase of server shutdown an outstanding transaction was found. The transaction was not rolledback successfully.
User Response:
No user action is required. This transaction will be recovered when the server is next started.
WTRN0070W: An attempt by the transaction manager to call rollback on a transactional resource has resulted in an XAER_RMFAIL error. The resource was {0}
The rollback call on a transactional resource did not succeed as the resource manager was unavailable.
User Response:
The rollback call will be retried at regular intervals. Ensure that the resource manager is available.
WTRN0071E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call one phase commit on a transactional resource has resulted in an XAER_RMFAIL error. The resource was {0}
The one phase commit call on a transactional resource did not succeed as the resource manager was unavailable.
User Response:
The transaction will be rolled back.
WTRN0072E: Transaction could not be resumed as the current thread is already associated with a transaction.
The transaction service was unable to resume a transaction because there was an active transaction on the target thread.
User Response:
Ensure the active transaction is suspended prior to resuming the transaction.
WTRN0073E: The transaction service encountered an unexpected error when attempting to delist a transactional resource. The coordinator reference was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0074W: No transaction log specified, logging in-memory
The transaction service is configured not to log to permanent storage. This may cause data integrity problems or locked resources (for example, database tables) if there are outstanding 2 phase commit transactions running when the server is terminated.
User Response:
If transaction recovery is required, then reconfigure the Transaction Service to use logging and restart the server.
WTRN0075W: The transaction log file is full. Transaction rolled back.
The transaction log files are full with records from active transactions. Any further two phase commit transactions will be rolled back until space is freed up in the log files when active transactions complete.
User Response:
If this problem occurs frequently, restart the server with a larger transaction log file size specification.
WTRN0076W: Encountered exception during transaction logfile write operation. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
An error occured writing to the transaction log file. The transaction will be rolled back.
User Response:
This is most likely to be an IO failure. Examine the exception stack trace to determine the cause of the problem.
WTRN0077W: Recovered transaction {0} unable to complete - error contacting resource manager {1}
The transaction service has detected that transactions were still running when the server was last terminated and is attempting to complete the transaction before new transactions can be created or used. The transaction service is attempting to contact other servers and resource managers that were involved in the transaction to determine if the transaction should be committed or rolled back but has received an error.
User Response:
Ensure that all servers and resource managers that are involved in transactions with this server are available.
WTRN0078I: Recovered transaction {0} completed.
The transaction service has detected that transactions were still running when the server was last terminated. It has recovered this transaction successfully.
User Response:
WTRN0079I: All recovered transactions are now complete.
All transactions that were running when the server last terminated have now completed. The transaction service continues with initialization.
User Response:
WTRN0080W: Recovering transactions for server {0} on this server.
The transaction logs for server {0} are being recovered by this server. If resources configured on this server do not match those configured for the server for which the logs were created, then recovery may fail to complete.
User Response:
Check if any error messages are output during recovery and correct any actions requested.
WTRN0081E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call one phase commit on a transactional resource has resulted in an unexpected error. The XA error code was {0}.
The one phase commit call on a transactional resource did not succeed due to an unexpected failure.
User Response:
The transaction manager will attempt to rollback the transaction.
WTRN0082E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call commit on a transactional resource has resulted in an unexpected error. The XA error code was {0}.
The commit call on a transactional resource did not succeed due to an unexpected failure.
User Response:
The commit call will be retried at regular intervals. Examine the error code in order to determine the cause of the problem.
WTRN0083E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call rollback on a transactional resource has resulted in an unexpected error. The XA error code was {0}.
The rollback call on a transactional resource did not succeed due to an unexpected failure.
User Response:
The rollback call will be retried at regular intervals. Examine the error code in order to determine the cause of the problem.
WTRN0084E: The transaction service has detected that a JTAXAResource object has an invalid recoveryId. The expected recoveryId was {0}. The actual recoveryId was {1}.
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0085E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call prepare on a transactional resource has resulted in an error. The error code was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
The transactional resource failed when being asked to process a prepare call. The failure will be treated as a rollback vote.
User Response:
Examine the error code to determine the cause of the problem.
WTRN0086E: Unable to serialize an object to byte form
This is an internal system error and is probably caused by an earlier failure.
User Response:
Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support.
WTRN0087I: Transaction service recovering 1 transaction.
The transaction service has detected that a transaction was still running when the server was last terminated and is now in the process of recovering this transaction.
User Response:
WTRN0088I: Transaction service recovering {0} transactions.
The transaction service has detected that transactions were still running when the server was last terminated and is now in the process of recovering these transactions.
User Response:
WTRN0089W: The transaction service has detected usage that exceeds the WebSphere Application programming model
An application running in this server is using transaction service functionality that is not part of the WebSphere application programming model.
User Response:
Consider whether the application can be modified to only utilize the J2EE transaction functionality.
WTRN0090W: Insufficent privileges to utilize a transaction service function
An application running in this server is attempting to use transaction service functionality for which it does not have the required privileges.
User Response:
Consider whether the application can be modified to only utilize the J2EE transaction functionality.
WTRN0091I: Recovered transaction {0} completed. The outcome was {1}.
The transaction service has detected that transactions were still running when the server was last terminated. It has recovered this transaction successfully.
User Response: