WebSphere Trace FacilityTRAS0004E: Unable to create or open the service log file {0}. The following exception was encountered {1}
An attempt to open the specified service log file failed. The exception indicates the root cause of the failure.
User Response:
Examine the exception to determine the root cause. Ensure that the specified file name is a valid file name. Ensure that the Application Server run time is allowed write access to the directory for the log file. If this does not solve the problem, contact IBM.
TRAS0005E: Unable to write to the service log. The following exception was encountered {0}
An attempt to write a message to the service log failed. The indicated exception was encountered.
User Response:
Examine the exception to determine the root cause of the failure. Ensure that the service log file exists. Ensure that the file system is not full. Ensure that the Application Server run time is allowed write access to the directory for the log file. If this does not solve the problem, contact IBM.
TRAS0006E: Unable to change the size of the service log. The following exception was encountered {0}
An attempt to change the size of the service log failed. The indicated exception was encountered.
User Response:
Examine the exception to determine the root cause of the failure. Ensure that the service log file exists. Ensure that the file system is not full. Ensure that the Application Server run time is allowed write access to the directory for the log file. If this does not solve the problem, contact IBM.
TRAS0007I: Logging to the service log is disabled
The configuration option to disable logging messages to the service log has been selected.
User Response:
Enable logging to the service log by setting the configuration option to the enabled state.
TRAS0008E: Failed to open trace log file {0} {1}
The configuration option to send trace to a standalone file was selected. An attempt to open the indicated file failed with the indicated exception. Trace will be routed to an alternate facility.
User Response:
Examine the exception to determine the root cause of the failure. Ensure that the file name is correct and is a valid name. Ensure that the Application Server run time is allowed write access to the directory for the specified file. Ensure that the file system is not full. If this does not solve the problem, contact IBM.
TRAS0009I: Defaulting trace output to System.out
An error has been encountered while attempting to route trace to a user-specified file. Trace output will be routed to System.out instead.
User Response:
Search the log for other error messages detailing the failure encountered while opening the user-specified file. Correct the error and retry the operation.
TRAS0010I: "The size of the service log indicates that some corruption has occurred. This could be due to not transferring the file in binary mode
The service log is maintained in a binary format. When transferred from one machine to another, it must be transferred in binary format.
User Response:
Transfer the log in binary format. In some cases it is possible to undo the damage by transferring the log back to the original machine using the original transfer format, then retransferring the log back to the target machine in binary format.
TRAS0011I: {0} messages could not be read from the service log
Corruption has been found in the service log. The indicated number of messages were not readable.
User Response:
Corruption usually occurs when the service log is transferred from one machine to another incorrectly. Any such transfer must be made in binary mode.
TRAS0012W: {0} was specified in the configuration information as the name of the file to use for the {1} stream. This is not a legal name. {2} will be used instead
The name supplied must be a fully-qualified file name. The directory must exist, or ras must be able to created it. Ras must be granted write access to that directory.
User Response:
Supply a file name that meets the above parameters in the configuration data for the indicated stream. Restart the server in order for this change to take effect.
TRAS0013E: An attempt to redirect the {0} stream failed. The following exception was encountered. {1}
See the message in the base exception. This should indicate the root cause of the failure.
User Response:
Determine the root cause of the base exception and correct it. If an IOException was encountered, ensure the directory exists, Ras has write access to the directory and that the file system is not full.
TRAS0014I: The following exception was logged {0}.
An exception message was logged.
User Response:
Determine the cause of the exception and take appropriate action. Other messages related to the exception may have also been logged.
TRAS0015E: Unable to schedule time-based rollover for log file {0}. Size based rollover will be used instead {1}.
The indicated log file has been configured to use a time based rollover algorithm. An attempt to schedule a rollover event has failed. The log will use a size based rollover algorithm.
User Response:
Determine from the indicated exception whether the event was due to an internal WebSphere error or an unexpected system state. If the event is due to a WebSphere internal program error, contact IBM support and provide the logged information.
TRAS0016E: An unexpected exception while trying to archive log file {0} Exception is {1}.
The indicated log file has been configured to use a rollover algorithm. The rollover threshold has been reached. An exception occurred while attempting to roll the log file over.
User Response:
Determine from the indicated exception whether the event was due to an internal WebSphere error or an unexpected system state. If the event is due to a WebSphere internal program error, contact IBM support and provide the logged information.
TRAS0017I: The startup trace state is {0}.
The trace service has been started. The startup trace state, determined from configuration data, is displayed here.
User Response:
If a different trace startup state is desired, change the configuration data appropriately and restart the process.
TRAS0018I: The trace state has changed. The new trace state is {0}.
A request to change the current trace state has been received and processed.
User Response:
If the new trace state is not the desired trace state, change it to the desired state.
TRAS0019I: Defaulting trace output to the circular memory buffer.
An error was detected while attempting to route trace to a file. Trace has been routed to the in-memory ring buffer instead.
User Response:
Search the log for a message detailing the error encountered when routing trace to the file. That message should contain an exception indicating the root cause of the failure. Fix the root cause of the failure and retry the operation.
TRAS0100E: Empty string is not part of trace string grammar
User Response:
TRAS0101E: Empty string encountered - remove extra colon
User Response:
TRAS0102E: No type=state value pair(s) found at ''{0}''
User Response:
TRAS0103E: No component name found at ''{0}''
User Response:
TRAS0104E: Missing type=state value pair at ''{0}'', remove extra comma
User Response:
TRAS0105E: Invalid type=state value pair - ''{0}'' at ''{1}''
User Response:
TRAS0106E: Missing state value at ''{0}''
User Response:
TRAS0107E: Missing type value at ''{0}''
User Response:
TRAS0108E: Invalid type value - ''{0}'' at ''{1}''
User Response:
TRAS0109E: Invalid state value - ''{0}'' at ''{1}''
User Response: