Example: UserRegistry.java file

// 5639-D57, 5630-A36, 5630-A37, 5724-D18
// (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997, 2002
// All Rights Reserved * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
//    This is the UserRegistry interface that Custom Registries in WebSphere
//    should implement to enable WebSphere Security to use the Custom Registry.

package com.ibm.websphere.security;

import java.util.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import com.ibm.websphere.security.cred.WSCredential;

 * Implementing this interface enables WebSphere Security to use Custom 
 * Registries. This should extend java.rmi.Remote as the registry can be in
 * a remote process.
 * Implementation of this interface must provide implementations for:
 * -- initialize(java.util.Properties) 
 * -- checkPassword(String,String) 
 * -- mapCertificate(X509Certificate[]) 
 * -- getRealm 
 * -- getUsers(String,int) 
 * -- getUserDisplayName(String) 
 * -- getUniqueUserId(String) 
 * -- getUserSecurityName(String) 
 * -- isValidUser(String) 
 * -- getGroups(String,int) 
 * -- getGroupDisplayName(String) 
 * -- getUniqueGroupId(String) 
 * -- getUniqueGroupIds(String) 
 * -- getGroupSecurityName(String) 
 * -- isValidGroup(String) 
 * -- getGroupsForUser(String) 
 * -- getUsersForGroup(String,int) 
 * -- createCredential(String) 

public interface UserRegistry extends java.rmi.Remote

  * Initializes the registry. This method is called when creating the
  * registry.
  * @param props the registry-specific properties with which to 
  *         initialize the  custom registry 
  * @exception CustomRegistryException 
  *         if there is any registry specific problem
  * @exception RemoteException 
  *    as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public void initialize(java.util.Properties props)
      throws CustomRegistryException,

  * Checks the password of the user. This method is called to authenticate a
  * user when the user's name and password are given.
  * @param userSecurityName the name of user 
  * @param password the password of the user
  * @return    a valid userSecurityName. Normally this is 
  *   the name of same user whose password was checked but if the 
  *  implementation wants to return any other valid 
  *  userSecurityName in the registry it can do so
  * @exception CheckPasswordFailedException if userSecurityName/
  *  password combination does not exist in the registry
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public String checkPassword(String userSecurityName, String password)
      throws PasswordCheckFailedException,

  * Maps a Certificate (of X509 format) to a valid user in the Registry.
  * This is used to map the name in the certificate supplied by a browser 
  * to a valid userSecurityName in the registry
  * @param cert the X509 certificate chain
  * @return the mapped name of the user userSecurityName
  * @exception CertificateMapNotSupportedException if the particular
  *            certificate is not supported.
  * @exception CertificateMapFailedException if the mapping of the 
  *            certificate fails.
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public String mapCertificate(X509Certificate[] cert)
      throws CertificateMapNotSupportedException,

  * Returns the realm of the registry.
  * @return the realm. The realm is a registry-specific string indicating 
  *            the realm or domain for which this registry 
  *            applies.  For example, for OS400 or AIX this would be the 
  *            host name of the system whose user registry this object 
  *            represents.
  *            If null is returned by this method realm defaults to the 
  *            value of "customRealm".
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public String getRealm()
      throws CustomRegistryException,

  * Gets a list of users that match a pattern in the registry. 
  * The maximum number of users returned is defined by the limit
  * argument.
  * This method is called by administrative console and wsadmin to 
  * make available the users in the registry for adding them (users) to roles.
  * @param pattern the pattern to match. (For e.g., a* will match all
  *   userSecurityNames starting with a)
  * @param limit the maximum number of users that should be returned.
  *  This is very useful in situations where there are thousands of
  *            users in the registry and getting all of them at once is not
  *            practical. A value of 0 implies get all the users and hence
  *            must be used with care. 
  * @return a Result object that contains the list of users
  *   requested and a flag to indicate if more users exist.
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public Result getUsers(String pattern, int limit)
      throws CustomRegistryException,

  * Returns the display name for the user specified by userSecurityName.
  * This method may be called only when the user information is displayed  
  * (i.e information purposes only, for example, in GUI) and hence not used 
  * in the actual authentication or authorization purposes. If there are no 
  * display names in the registry return null or empty string.
  * In WAS 4.0 custom registry, if you had a display name for the user and 
  * if it was different from the security name, the display name was 
  * returned for the EJB methods getCallerPrincipal() and the servlet methods 
  * getUserPrincipal() and  getRemoteUser().
  * In WAS 5.0 for the same methods the security name will be returned by 
  * default. This is the recommended way as the display name is not unique
  * and might create security holes.
  * However, for backward compatability if one needs the display name to
  * be returned set the property WAS_UseDisplayName to true.
  * See the Infocenter documentation for more information. 
  * @param userSecurityName the name of the user.
  * @return the display name for the user. The display name
  *   is a registry-specific string that represents a descriptive, not
  *  necessarily unique, name for a user. If a display name does 
  *            not exist return null or empty string.
  * @exception EntryNotFoundException if userSecurityName does not exist.
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public String getUserDisplayName(String userSecurityName)
      throws EntryNotFoundException,

  * Returns the UniqueId for a userSecurityName. This method is called when
  * creating a credential for a user. 
  * @param userSecurityName the name of the user.
  * @return the UniqueId of the user. The UniqueId for an user is
  *   the stringified form of some unique, registry-specific, data 
  *  that serves to represent the user.  For example, for the UNIX 
  *  user registry, the UniqueId for a user can be the UID.
  * @exception EntryNotFoundException if userSecurityName does not exist.
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public String getUniqueUserId(String userSecurityName)
      throws EntryNotFoundException,

  * Returns the name for a user given its uniqueId.
  * @param uniqueUserId the UniqueId of the user.
  * @return the userSecurityName of the user.
  * @exception EntryNotFoundException if the uniqueUserId does not exist.
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public String getUserSecurityName(String uniqueUserId)
      throws EntryNotFoundException,

  * Determines if the userSecurityName exists in the registry
  * @param userSecurityName the name of the user
  * @return true if the user is valid. false otherwise
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public boolean isValidUser(String userSecurityName)
      throws CustomRegistryException,

  * Gets a list of groups that match a pattern in the registy. 
  * The maximum number of groups returned is defined by the limit
  * argument.
  * This method is called by GUI(adminConsole) and Scripting(Command Line) to 
  * make available the groups in the registry for adding them (groups) to 
  * roles.
  * @param pattern the pattern to match. (For e.g., a* will match all
  *   groupSecurityNames starting with a)
  * @param limit the maximum number of groups that should be returned.
  *  This is very useful in situations where there are thousands of
  *            groups in the registry and getting all of them at once is not
  *            practical. A value of 0 implies get all the groups and hence
  *            must be used with care. 
  * @return a Result object that contains the list of groups
  *   requested and a flag to indicate if more groups exist.
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public Result getGroups(String pattern, int limit)
      throws CustomRegistryException,

  * Returns the display name for the group specified by groupSecurityName.
  * This method may be called only when the group information is displayed  
  * (for example, GUI) and hence not used in the actual authentication or
  * authorization purposes. If there are no display names in the registry
  * return null or empty string.
  * @param groupSecurityName the name of the group.
  * @return the display name for the group. The display name
  *   is a registry-specific string that represents a descriptive, not
  *  necessarily unique, name for a group. If a display name does 
  *            not exist return null or empty string.
  * @exception EntryNotFoundException if groupSecurityName does not exist.
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public String getGroupDisplayName(String groupSecurityName)
      throws EntryNotFoundException,

  * Returns the Unique id for a group.

  * @param groupSecurityName the name of the group.
  * @return the Unique id of the group. The Unique id for
  *   a group is the stringified form of some unique, 
  *   registry-specific, data that serves to represent the group.
  *            For example, for the Unix user registry, the Unique id could 
  *  be the GID.
  * @exception EntryNotFoundException if groupSecurityName does not exist.
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public String getUniqueGroupId(String groupSecurityName)
      throws EntryNotFoundException,

  * Returns the Unique ids for all the groups that contain the UniqueId of
  * a user. 
  * Called during creation of a user's credential.
  * @param uniqueUserId the uniqueId of the user.
  * @return a List of all the group UniqueIds that the uniqueUserId 
  *   belongs to. The Unique id for an entry is the stringified 
  *  form of some unique, registry-specific, data that serves 
  *  to represent the entry.  For example, for the
  *   Unix user registry, the Unique id for a group could be the GID 
  *  and the Unique Id for the user could be the UID.
  * @exception EntryNotFoundException if uniqueUserId does not exist.
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public List getUniqueGroupIds(String uniqueUserId)
      throws EntryNotFoundException,

  * Returns the name for a group given its uniqueId.
  * @param uniqueGroupId the UniqueId of the group.
  * @return the name of the group.
  * @exception EntryNotFoundException if the uniqueGroupId does not exist.
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public String getGroupSecurityName(String uniqueGroupId)
      throws EntryNotFoundException,

  * Determines if the groupSecurityName exists in the registry
  * @param groupSecurityName the name of the group
  * @return true if the groups exists, false otherwise
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public boolean isValidGroup(String groupSecurityName)
      throws CustomRegistryException,

  * Returns the securityNames of all the groups that contain the user
  * This method is called by GUI(adminConsole) and Scripting(Command Line)
  * to verify the user entered for RunAsRole mapping belongs to that role 
  * in the roles to user mapping. Initially, the check is done to see if
  * the role contains the user. If the role does not contain the user 
  * explicitly, this method is called to get the groups that this user
  * belongs to so that check can be made on the groups that the role contains.
  * @param userSecurityName the name of the user
  * @return a List of all the group securityNames that the user 
  *   belongs to. 
  * @exception EntryNotFoundException if user does not exist.
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *            problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public List getGroupsForUser(String userSecurityName)
      throws EntryNotFoundException,

  * Gets a list of users in a group.  
  * The maximum number of users returned is defined by the limit
  * argument.
  * This method is used by the WebSphere Application Server Enterprise
  * Process Choreographer (Enterprise Edition) when staff assignments are
  * modeled using groups.
  * In rare situations if you are working with a registry where getting all
  * the users from any of your groups is not practical (for example if there
  * are a large number of users) you can throw the NotImplementedException
  * for that particualar group or groups. Make sure that if the WebSphere
  * Application Server Choreographer is installed (or if installed later)
  * the staff assignments are not modeled using these particular groups.
  * If there is no concern about returning the users from groups in the
  * registry it is recommended that this method be implemented without
  * throwing the NotImplemented exception.
  * @param     groupSecurityName the name of the group
  * @param     limit the maximum number of users that should be returned.
  *  This is, however, used by some
  * of the WAS clients like Workflow.
  * If you are working with a registry where getting all the users from
  * any of your groups is not practical (for example if there are a large
  * number of users) you can through the NotImplementedException. Also,
  * if you implement this method, you can still throw this exception if
  * the limit exceeds some practical value.
  * When the NotImplementedException is thrown the client program should fall
  * back to some default implementation which should be documented by the
  * client.
  * @param groupSecurityName the name of the group
  * @param limit the maximum number of users that should be returned.
  *  This is very useful in situations where there are lot of
  *      users in the registry and getting all of them at once is not
  *      practical. A value of 0 implies get all the users and hence 
  *      must be used with care. 
  * @return a Result object that contains the list of users
  *   requested and a flag to indicate if more users exist.
  * @deprecated This method will be deprecated in future.
  * @exception NotImplementedException throw this exception if it is not
  *      practical to get this information from your registry.
  * @exception EntryNotFoundException if the group does not exist in 
  *      the registry
  * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry specific 
  *      problem
  * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
  public Result getUsersForGroup(String groupSecurityName, int limit)
    throws NotImplementedException,

  * This method is implemented internally by the WebSphere code in Version 5.
  * This method is not called for the custom registry implementations
  * for this release. Return null in the implementation.
  * Note that since this method is not called one can also return the 
  * NotImplementedException as the previous documentation says.
  public com.ibm.websphere.security.cred.WSCredential 
      createCredential(String userSecurityName)
    throws NotImplementedException,