Configure HTTPS transport for your application server's Web container

Perform these steps in the WebSphere administrative console:

  1. Start the administrative console.

  2. If you are using the key file that is provided with the product (Version 5.0.1 and later) to configure SSL for the Web server plug-in, skip to step Configure an HTTPS transport.

    Perform the following steps to create an SSL repertoire:

    1. In the left pane, expand Security
    2. Click SSL
    3. In the right hand pane, click New
    4. Specify the following configuration settings:

      • Alias: (the name of your SSL repertoire, for example mySSLSettings)
      • Key File Name: USER_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/appServerKeys.jks
      • Key File Password: Enter your password
      • Key File Format: Select JKS
      • Trust File Name: USER_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/appServerKeys.jks

        Typically, you would create a separate trust file for your signer certificates. However, a previous step added the certificate for the CA that signed the plug-in's certificate to appServerKeys.jks, we use appServerKeys.jks here, also.

      • Trust File Password: Enter your password
      • Trust File Format: Select JKS
      • Client Authentication: selected

    5. Click OK

  3. Configure an HTTPS transport:

    1. In the left pane, expand Servers
    2. Click Application Servers
    3. Int the right hand pane, click your application server name
    4. Click the Configuration tab
    5. Click Web Container
    6. Click HTTP transports
    7. Click New
    8. Specify the following configuration settings:

      • Host: *
      • Port: Enter the port number to use for your Web container's SSL port
      • SSL Enabled: select Enable SSL
      • SSL: If you are using the key file that is provided with the product (as of Version 5.0.1) to configure SSL for the Web server plug-in, select the DefaultSettings SSL repertoire. Otherwise, select mySSLSettings.

  4. Click OK

  5. Save your changes.

  6. Restart your application server.

  7. Start the administrative console.

  8. In the left hand pane of the administrative console, expand Environment and click Update Web Server Plugin.

  9. Click OK.

  10. If you previously made manual changes to the Web server plugin configuration file (USER_INSTALL_ROOT/config/cell/plugin-cfg.xml), you may need to manually reapply those changes before restarting the Web server.

  11. Restart the Web server to immediately pick up changes to the Web server plugin configuration file.