Java 2 Security

Java 2 Security is a supported feature in WebSphere Application Server. Java 2 Security provides a policy-based, fine-grain access control mechanism that increases overall system integrity by checking for permissions before allowing access to certain protected system resources. Java 2 Security is independent of J2EE role-based authorization. Java 2 Security guards access to system resources such as file input and output, sockets, and properties, whereas J2EE security guards access to Web resources such as servlets, JSPs, and enterprise bean methods. WebSphere global security includes J2EE role-based authorization, the CSIv2 authentication protocol, and SSL configuration. Java 2 Security can be disabled and enabled independently of WebSphere global security (the Enforce Java 2 Security check box in the Global Security Panel or Server Level Security Panel). However, when WebSphere global security is enabled, by default Java 2 Security is also enabled. Note that Java 2 security can be disabled even though WebSphere Global Security may be enabled.

Because Java 2 Security is relatively new to the industry and new to WebSphere, many existing or even new applications may not be prepared for the very fine-grain access control programming model that Java 2 Security is capable of enforcing. Administrators should understand the possible consequences of enabling Java 2 Security if applications are not prepared for Java 2 Security. Java 2 Security places some new requirements on application developers and administrators.

Java 2 Security for deployers and administrators

Before you enable Java 2 Security, you need to make sure that all the applications are granted the required permissions, otherwise, applications may fail to run. By default, applications are granted the permissions recommended in the J2EE 1.3 Specification. For details of default permissions granted to applications in WebSphere, please refer to the following policy files:

where product is Base or ND, instance is the name of your instance, cell is the name of your cell, and node is the name of your node.

WebSphere Application Server does not support a more restrictive policy than the default one that is embodied in these policy files. This is because WebSphere may not have the necessary Java 2 Security doPrivileged APIs in place. The result of attempting to make the default policy more restrictive may result in WebSphere throwing Java 2 security access control exceptions and causing applications or WebSphere Application Server itself to fail unexpectedly.

Several policy files are used to define the security policy for Java processes. Some policy files are static (the code base is statically defined in the policy file). An example of a static policy file is the java.policy file that is provided by the Java development kit.

Other policy files are dynamic. WebSphere provides support for both static and dynamic policy files. Dynamic policy files are used with enterprise applications, resources and utility libraries. For dynamic policy files, the codebase is dynamically calculated (based on deployment information) and permissions are granted (based on template policy files) during run time.

For more information about policy files, see Configure Java 2 policy files.

If an application is not prepared for Java 2 Security, if the application provider does not provide a was.policy file as part of the application, or if the application provider does not communicate the expected permissions that should be granted to one of the WebSphere policy files, the application is likely to cause Java 2 security access control exceptions at runtime (if Java 2 Security is enabled in WebSphere) and probably runs incorrectly.

It may not be obvious that a application is or is not prepared for Java 2 security. WebSphere provides several runtime debugging aids to help determine troubleshoot applications that may be experiencing Java 2 Security-related access control exceptions.

Java 2 Security for application developers

Application developers must understand the permissions that are granted in the default WebSphere policy and the permission requirements of the Java SDK APIs. You need to know whether the APIs that your application calls requires additional permissions or not. For more information about which Java APIs require permissions, see Permissions in the Java 2 SDK Link outside Information Center (

Application providers can assume that applications are granted the necessary permissions in the default policy. Applications that access resources that are not covered by the default WebSphere policy are required to grant the additional Java 2 security permissions to the application.

While it is possible to grant the application additional permissions in one of the other dynamic WebSphere policy files or in one of the more traditional static policy files, such as java.policy, the was.policy file (which is embedded in the EAR file) ensures that the additional permissions are scoped to the exact application that requires them. If permissions are scoped to the application code that requires the permission, application code that normally does not have permission to access secured resources is not granted that permission.

If a component of an application (such as a library) is included in more than one EAR file, then the library developer should document the required Java 2 permissions that are needed by the application assembler. There is no was.policy type of file for library type components, the developer must communicate the required permissions through external documentation. If the component library is shared by multiple enterprise applications, the permissions can be granted to all enterprise applications on the node in the app.policy.

If the permission is only used internally by the component library and the application is never granted access to resources that are protected by the permission, then it may be necessary to mark the code as privileged (by inserting a doPrivileged block). (For more information, see AccessControlException.) However, improperly inserting a doPrivileged block could open up security holes, so great care and understanding should be employed when decided whether to use a doPriveleged block or not

See Configure the was.policy file for a description of how the permissions in was.policy files are granted at runtime.

Developing an application with Java 2 Security in mind may be a new skill and impose a security awareness that was not previously required of application developers. Describing the Java 2 Security model and the implications on application development is beyond the scope of this section. For more information, see The J2SDK 1.3 Security documentation Link outside Information Center (

Debugging aids

There are two primary aids to debugging Java 2 Security:

Handling applications that are not ready for Java 2 Security

If you use a third-party application and the increased system integrity that is provided by Java 2 Security is important, contact the application provider to request support for Java 2 Security or, at least, to understand the additional permissions beyond the default WebSphere policy that are needed.

The easiest way to deal with applications that do not support Java 2 Security is to disable Java 2 Security in WebSphere. The downside is that this solution applies to the entire system and the integrity of the system is not as strong as it could be. This should be a consideration that is not taken lightly. In some cases, disabling Java 2 Security may be an acceptable risk.

Another approach is to leave Java 2 Security enabled but either grant only enough additional permissions or grant all permissions to only the problematic application. Determining how many permissions are enough may not be trivial. If the application provider has not communicated the required permissions in some way, then there is no easy way to determine the required permissions, so granting all permissions may be the only choice. You can minimize this risk by deploying such an application on a different node; this may help to isolate it from certain resources. Then, you can grant in the was.policy file that is embedded in the application's EAR file, for example:

  grant codeBase "file:${application}" {

The server.policy file

This policy defines the policy for the WebSphere classes. At present, all the server processes in the same WebSphere instance share the same server.policy file. However, it can be configured that each server process can have their own server.policy file. This can be configured by defining the desired policy file as the value of the Java system properties For details of how to define Java system properties, see Configure the server.policy file.

The server.policy file should be used to define the Java 2 security policy for server resources. For enterprise application resources, use the app.policy file for node-scoped permissions or the was.policy file for application-scoped permissions.

The java.policy file

This file represents the default permissions granted to all classes. The policy of this file applies to all the processes that are launched by the Java virtual machine in which WebSphere Application Server runs. For more information, see Configure the java.policy file.

