Application Client Resource Configuration Tool

The Application Client Resource Configuration Tool (ACRCT) defines resources for the application client. These configurations are stored in the application client EAR file. The application client run time uses these configurations to resolve and create instances of the resources for the application client.

If the client application defines the local resources, run the ACRCT to configure the application accordingly. Use the ACRCT to change the configuration.

To start the ACRCT and open an EAR file, follow these steps:

  1. On your worksation, open a command prompt and change to the install_root\bin directory, where install_root is the product installation root for WAS on your workstation.
  2. Run the clientConfig.bat file for a Windows system or the file for a UNIX system.
  3. Click File --> Open.
  4. Select the EAR file that you want to edit and click Open.
  5. Make your changes.
  6. Click File --> Save.
  7. Click File --> Exit.

Use the ACRCT to perform these tasks:

Note: You cannot use the ACRCT to configure resources for your server. To configure resources for application servers and enterprise applications, use the administrative console.