Message-driven beans - transaction support
Message-driven beans can handle messages read from JMS destinations within the scope of a transaction. If transaction handling is specified for a JMS destination, the JMS listener starts a global transaction before it reads any incoming message from that destination. When the message-driven bean processing has finished, the JMS listener commits or rolls back the transaction (using JTA transaction control).
Note: All messages retrieved from a specific destination have the same transactional behavior.
If messages are queued to be sent within a global transaction they are sent when the transaction is committed. If the processing of a message causes the transaction to be rolled back, then the message that caused the bean instance to be invoked is left on the JMS destination.
You can configure the Maximum retries property of the listener port to define the maximum number of times the listener attempts to read a message from a destination. When the maximum retries limit is reached, the listener for that destination is stopped. When you have resolved the problem, then restart the listener.