Install the Application Server Toolkit
The Application Server Toolkit is shipped with the WAS Version 5 for iSeries product on a separately installable CD-ROM. The Application Server Toolkit can be installed on any of the supported workstation platforms such as Windows NT/2000 or AIX.
Follow these steps to install the Application Server Toolkit on your workstation:
Insert the Application Server Toolkit CD-ROM for your workstation platform in the CD-ROM drive of the workstation on which you plan to run the debug or profiling tools.
Run the install program by navigating to your CD-ROM drive and double-clicking the setup program.
Step through the installation screens accepting the license agreement and specifying the destination directory for the install.
After the installation has installed the files, you are prompted to install the IBM Remote Agent Controller on the workstation. Select the No checkbox unless you are debugging and profiling applications running on your workstation as well as the iSeries server.
- Complete the installation wizard.