The interface
Classes specified for a custom service must implement the interface. The CustomService interface is as follows:
package; /* * @(#) 1.2 ws/code/runtime/src/com/ibm/websphere/runtime/, * WAS.runtime, ASV, s0244.17.fix 3/21/01 12:29:21 [11/9/02 18:10:41] * * IBM Confidential OCO Source Material * 5639-D57 (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1998,1999,2001 * The source code for this program is not published or otherwise divested * of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been deposited with the * U.S. Copyright Office. * */ /** * The CustomService interface must be implemented by all * WebSphere Custom Service extensions. * The application server runtime will call the initialize method of * this interface on every enabled Custom Service configured in the server. * */ public interface CustomService { /** * Property key for locating the optional configuration properties * file. Use this value for looking up the properties file (if any) * specified for the External Configuration URL field when * defining the custom service. **/ static final java.lang.String externalConfigURLKey = ""; /** * The initialize method is called by the application server runtime during * server startup. The Properties object passed in on this method must * contain all configuration information necessary for this service to * initialize properly. * * Creation date: (3/19/2001 2:18:42 PM) * @param configProperties java.util.Properties */ void initialize(java.util.Properties configProperties) throws Exception; /** * The shutdown method is called by the application server runtime when the * server begins it shutdown processing. */ void shutdown() throws Exception; }