Run your thin application client on an AIX or Solaris machine

This example shows the contents of a script required to set the classpath and run the thin application client in an AIX or Solaris environment. You can load the required Java thin application client runtime classes using -Djava.ext.dirs.

  # Set the WAS_EXT_DIRS, SERVER_ROOT and JAVA_HOME environment variables to
  # enable the application client run time.  This is done using the setupClient script
  # that is installed when you install the application client run time on your
  # workstation machine.
  . /usr/WebSphere/AppClient/bin/setupClient
  # Add the required deployed enterprise bean jar file to the classpath.  Also include 
  # the current directory so that your application client classes can be found.  This
  # assumes that your application client classes are in the current directory.
  export CP=myDeployedEJB.jar:.
  # Invoke the  application client.  Note that the JAVA_HOME, SERVER_ROOT, and
  # WAS_EXT_DIRS environment variables are set in the setupClient invoked earlier
  # in this script.
  $JAVA_HOME\bin\java" -Xbootclasspath/p:"$WAS_BOOTCLASSPATH" -classpath $CP
   -Djava.ext.dirs="$WAS_EXT_DIRS" -Djava.naming.provider.url=$PROVIDER_URL
   "$SERVER_ROOT" com.mycompany.MyClient