Package and distribute the J2EE application client

Packaging of the WebSphere J2EE Application Client is accomplished through the Application Assembly Tool(AAT). This tool generates an enterprise archive (EAR) file as the output from the the assembly and deployment process. The EAR file contains all of the class files that are required by the client application to run.

See J2EE application client class loading for information that is important to packaging your application client.

The EAR file must be deployed. The deployment can be done through the AAT or when the EJB modules within the EAR file are installed in WAS. The deployment phase generates the client bindings that are needed by the client application.

WAS does not provide any tooling to assist in the distribution of the J2EE application client EAR files. You must manually distribute the J2EE application client to the target client machine.

The J2EE application client may require further configuration if the application makes use of external resources (such as JDBC, JavaMail, JMS, or URL resources). Perform this configuration with the Application Client Resource Configuration Tool (ACRCT). For instructions on how to configure references to resources for the J2EE application client, see Configure J2EE application client resources.