Install the client run time on an iSeries system

The J2EE client and Java thin client run times are shipped as part of Option 1 (Client development and run time) of the WAS for iSeries product. To install the client runtime support for iSeries, install Option 1 and the prerequisite *BASE Option of WAS for iSeries.

Under the WAS for iSeries licensing agreement, you may only install WAS options on iSeries servers that you own. If you want to install the client runtime support on a system that you do not own (for example, on a customer's system) and the owner has not purchased WAS for iSeries, see Redistribute the client run time for iSeries for instructions.

If you are installing the client runtime on the iSeries from a remote Windows 32-bit workstation, perform these steps:

  1. Verify that the host server jobs have been started on your iSeries server. The host server jobs allow the installation code to run on iSeries.

    Enter this command on an OS/400 command line:

  2. If TCP/IP is not started or if you don't know if TCP/IP is started, enter the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command on an OS/400 command line.
  3. Place the WAS 5.0 for iSeries CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive on the workstation.

    Note: Do not use the IBM WAS Version 5 For Windows NT and Windows 2000 CD-ROM or any other CD-ROM (which was shipped with your WAS for iSeries package) for this set of steps.

    The InstallShield program should automatically start. If it does not, open Windows Explorer and select your CD-ROM drive. Double-click the SETUP.EXE file to start the InstallShield program.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Enter the name of the iSeries server where you are installing WAS. You also must enter a valid user ID and password for the server. This user ID must have *ALLOBJ authority. Click Next.

  6. On the next panel, deselect all options except (Option Base) WAS and (Option 1) Client development and run time. Click Next.

  7. On the next panel, deselect all options. Click Next.

  8. On the next panel, deselect all options. Click Next.

  9. The options that you specified are displayed. Click Next.

  10. The InstallShield program displays messages that indicate the status of the installation and a status bar to show the progress of the installation.

  11. After the installation is complete, the summary panel is displayed showing the options that were installed. Click Finish to close the InstallShield program.

If you are installing the client runtime on the iSeries locally from a the CD-ROM drive of the iSeries, perform these steps:

  1. Place the WAS 5.0 for iSeries CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of your iSeries server.


    1. Do not use the IBM WAS Version 5 For Windows NT and Windows 2000 CD-ROM or any other CD-ROM (which was shipped with your WAS for iSeries package) for this set of steps.
    2. Your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.

  2. Enter STRQSH on an OS/400 command line to start Qshell.

  3. Enter cd /QOPT/WEBSPHERE to change directories to the root installation directory on the CD-ROM.

  4. Run the SETUP script to start the installation program as shown below.
    SETUP -was -option base -option 1 -wmq -skip true -wmqjava -skip true
  5. After you enter the SETUP command, messages are displayed that indicate the progress of the installation process. When the setup program has completed, press F3 to exit.

Note that to install only the client runtime support, you need not install Option 2, Option 3, or the WebSphere MQ products.