Configure the ActiveX environment and start the application

To run an ActiveX program initiated from an icon or command-line (a non-service program) that uses the ActiveX to enterprise bean bridge, perform some initial configuration to set appropriate environment variables and to enable the ActiveX to enterprise bean bridge to find its XJB.JAR file and the Java run time. This uses a batch file to set up the environment within which the ActiveX program can run.

These batch files are provided for client applications to use the ActiveX to enterprise beans bridge:

The batch files set these environment variables:

To configure the environment and start your ActiveX application client, follow these steps:

  1. (Optional) Edit the setupCmdLineXJB.bat file to specify appropriate values for the environment variables that are required by the ActiveX to enterprise beans bridge.

  2. Start the ActiveX application with the launchClientXJB.bat script. Here are examples of how you run the script from a command line:

    launchClientXJB MyApplication.vbp
    launchClientXJB MyApplication.exe parm1 parm2

    where parm1 and parm2 are parameters for your application.