Classloaders in applications
The classloaders used to load your application classes are affected by these application-level settings:
When assembling an enterprise application resource (EAR) file, use the Classpath field for classes used by the application modules that are packaged in the EAR but not in the EJB JAR or WAR files which reference them. For more information, see EJB module assembly settings and Web module assembly settings . Items in the Classpath field are considered dependencies, and are loaded by the application classloader. For more information, see Application classloaders.
After installing an enterprise application (EAR), set the Classloader Mode and WAR classloader policy using the administrative console. For information on these fields, see Classloader modes or Classloader policies. For more information, see Enterprise application settings .
After installing an enterprise application (EAR) that has web modules, set the Classloader Mode using the administrative console. For more information, see Web Module Deployment settings .