Step 2: Migrate your applications

As technology advances, particularly in the area of Java components, new WebSphere Application Server product versions advance to support and extend the most recent open specification levels. If your existing applications currently support different specification levels than are supported by Version 5, it is likely you need to update at least a few aspects of the applications to comply with the new specifications.

From Version 3.5.x to Version 5, main migration areas concern IBM extensions and the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. Little migration is necessary to move from Version 4.x to Version 5.

See these topics for instructions on how to migrate your applications:

Application assembly in Version 5
This topic describes the changes in application assembly in WebSphere Application Server Version 5.

Migrate enterprise bean code to the supported specification
This topic describes how to determine what, if any, migration changes are required for your enterprise bean code.

Migrate J2EE Connector Architecture
This topic describes how to determine what, if any, migration changes are required to migrate your JCA for full support of the implementation.

Migrate JNDI configurations
This topic determines what, if any, migration changes are required to migrate application components that access the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name server.

Migrate a Version 4 data access application to Version 5
This topic describes how to determine what, if any, migration changes are required for your data sources.

Migrate Web applications
This topic described how to determine what, if any, migration changes are required for your Web applications.

Migrate your thin or pluggable application clients
This topic describes how to determine what, if any, migration changes are required for your application clients.

Migrate security configurations from previous releases
This topic describes how to determine what, if any, migration changes are required for your security functions.

Migrate HTTP sessions
This topic describes how to determine what, if any, migration changes are required for your HTTP sessions.

Migrate from wscp to wsadmin
This topic describes how to determine what migration changes are required for your wscp commands.

Migrate Web services
This topic describes how to determine what, if any, migration changes are required for your Web services.

Migrate JMS applications
This topic describes what, if any, migration changes are required for your JMS applications.

Migrate the classloader Module Visibility Mode setting
This topic describes how to migrate from the WebSphere Application Server Version 4 Module Visibility Mode settings to the equivalent WebSphere Application Server configuration.