Add a node to the network deployment instance

Use the addNode script to add WAS nodes to the cell which your Network Deployment instance is managing. Repeat the steps below for each node (or WAS instance) you wish to manage using your Network Deployment instance

These steps are performed on the iSeries server hosting your WAS node.

  1. Start a Qshell session from the OS/400 command line:
  2. Invoke the addNode script specifying the host name and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) port for the Deployment Manager:
    /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/bin/addNode hostName soapPort -includeapps
    where hostName is the host name of the server on which you installed Network Deployment and soapPort is the SOAP port for the Network Deployment instance. For the Network Deployment instance, the default soap port is 8879.

    By default, any applications installed on the WAS instance are removed from the instance when it is added to a cell. If this is the only node your are adding, or if you know there are no conflicts with applications installed on other nodes, you can specify the -includeapps parameter when invoking addNode. When this parameter is specified, addNode does not remove any installed applications.

    The hostname and soapPort parameters are positional and must be the first two parameters. Additional parameters such as -includeapps must be specified after the soapPort value.

  3. Verify that the WAS node agent has started
    The addNode command creates a new server, the node agent, under the WebSphere Application Server instance being added to the Network Deployment domain. The node agent server is started as a side effect of adding the node to the domain. This topic describes how to verify that the node agent has started.

Continue Next: Verify that the WAS node agent has started