Troubleshoot the installation
WAS offers several methods you can use to troubleshoot problems. Which method you use depends on the nature of the problem. Generally, you use a combination of these methods to determine the cause of a problem and then decide on an appropriate method for its resolution.
These resources provide general troubleshooting assistance.
See the Troubleshooting section of the WAS iSeries Information Center.
Read the WAS Release Notes (http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/was400/docs/relnotes502.html)
Check the WAS FAQ database (http://www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/software/websphere/wsappserver/docs/faq.htm)
Refer to the WAS for iSeries newsgroup (news://news.software.ibm.com/ibm.software.websphere.application-server.as400)
. This iSeries Technical Support Web-based forum is dedicated to WAS for iSeries.
Troubleshoot Step 2: Install WAS for iSeries
Wrong version of OS/400 installed on your server.
WAS runs on OS/400 versions V5R1 or V5R2. The product can not be installed on OS/400 version prior to V5R1.IBM Development Kit for Java V1.3 is not installed.
Local installation from Qshell or using the RUNJVA command requires JDK 1.3. Install product 5722-JV1, option 5 to obtain JDK 1.3. After installing option 5, re-install the cumulative PTF package and Java group PTF to pick up any JDK 1.3 specific fixes.Host servers are not started, or failed to start correctly.
Remote installation from a Windows workstation requires that the OS/400 host servers be running. To start the host servers, run this command from the OS/400 command line.STRHOSTSVR SERVER(*ALL)If errors other than "Host server daemon jobs unable to communicate using IPX." occur when starting the host servers, follow the instructions in the error message to fix the problem. Once the problem is fixed, start the host servers and attempt to install WAS again.
Installation fails due to "Object not found" or "Not authorized" errors.
The user profile of the user installing the product must be user type (user class) *SECOFR and have a value of *USRCLS for special authority.
Troubleshoot Step 4: Start the WAS environment
Not authorized to user profile QEJBSVR.
The user profile invoking STRSBS QEJBAS5/QEJBAS5 must have *USE authority to user profile QEJBSVR.Server does not start.
Prerequisite software may not be installed.Port conflicts
Port conflicts may exist if you have a previous version of WAS installed and running. See Check for port conflicts in the Troubleshooting topic for information on how to determine if port conflicts exist.