Scripting objects

The wsadmin tool uses these management objects to administer configurations and running objects:

Each of these objects has a set of commands that you can use to perform administrative tasks. When you run commands in wsadmin, specify a scripting object, a command, and command arguments.

For information the commands for each scripting object, see these topics:

The AdminControl object for scripted administration
Use the AdminControl object to invoke operational commands on objects that run in WebSphere Application Server. Many of the AdminControl methods have multiple signatures so that you can invoke them in a raw mode using parameters specified by Java Management Extensions (JMX), or using strings for parameters.

The AdminConfig object for scripted administration
Use the AdminConfig object to invoke configuration commands and create or change elements of WebSphere Application Server configuration.

The AdminApp object for scripted administration
The AdminApp object interacts with WebSphere Application Server management and configuration services to install and manage applications.

The Help object for scripted administration
The Help object provides general help and dynamic online information about the MBeans that are running. You can also use the Help object as an aid in writing and running scripts with the AdminControl object.