Java properties of wsadmin

The wsadmin scripting client uses the Java properties listed below. These properties are specified in the file, which is located in this directory:

where instance is the name of your instance.

You can also specify a properties file for wsadmin when you run the wsadmin script. There are three levels of default properies files that load before any properties file specified on the command line. These properties files load in the order that is shown below. Each properties file overrides settings from previously loaded files.

  1. The first level, located in the WebSphere Application Server instance's properties directory is called For the default instance, this file is located in the /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/default/properties directory for WebSphere Application Server, and in the /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/ND/default/properties directory for WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.
  2. The second level is in /home/QEJBSVR/ This file and the directories that contain it are not shipped with WebSphere Application Server. You must create the directories and files, and assign appropriate authorities.
  3. The third level is a file specified by the WSADMIN_PROPERTIES environment variable. This environment variable is defined in the environment where the wsadmin tool starts. Generally, this is the QShell session in which you run the wsadmin script. WebSphere Application Server does not define this environment variable.
  4. Lastly, properties specified on the command line are processed. This mean that command line properties override values specified in any of the properties files.

Note: Some of these properties have two default values.

These are the Java properties contained in the file: