Save and restore: Java Message Service (JMS)

The following items should be considered for backup when using JMS:

Application source and class files

Application code and configuration (such as bindings) is located by default in the /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/instanceName/installedApps directory. By saving this directory, you save your installed applications that use JMS, including HTML, servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP) files, and enterprise beans. Normally, each application is located in a separate subdirectory, so you can choose to save all applications or a subset.

Note: The commands below have been wrapped for display purposes. Enter each as a single command.

This command saves all installed applications:

 SAV DEV('/QSYS.lib/wsalib.lib/wsasavf.file')

This command saves the sampleApp application only:

 SAV DEV('/QSYS.lib/wsalib.lib/wsasavf.file')

If you have located utility or general purpose classes in other directories, such as /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/instanceName/lib/app or /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/instanceName/lib/ext, be sure to include those locations in your backup plan as well.

WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries licensed program

WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries licensed program is used by the WebSphere embedded JMS provider and should be saved as part of your backup plan.

This command will save the WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries licensed program:


Note: End all application server instances that use JMS before executing this command.

WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS V5.3 for iSeries licensed program files

WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS V5.3 for iSeries is used by the WebSphere embedded JMS provider and should be saved as part of your backup plan.

This command will save the WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS V5.3 for iSeries licensed program:


Note: End all application server instances that use JMS before executing this command.

WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries queue manager data

WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries queue managers are used by the WebSphere embedded JMS provider and should be saved as part of your backup plan. The following describes how to backup your WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries queue manager data:

  1. Ensure that your application server instances that use JMS are running.
  2. Display the current list of WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries queue managers using the following command:

    Note that the names of all queue managers that are prefixed by "WAS_".

  3. Execute the following command for each of these queue managers:

    where QueueManagerName is the name of the queue manager(s) noted in the previous step and is enclosed in single quotation marks. For example:


    Note: The QueueManagerName is case-sensitive.

  4. End all application server instances that use JMS.
  5. Locate the libraries that are used to store the WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries queue manager data by executing the following command:

    Note the names of all the libraries that are displayed by this command.

  6. Save each of the libraries reported by the command executed in the previous step:

    where LibName is the name of the WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries queue manager data library and SaveFileName is the name of the save file to use to store the saved library.

  7. Locate the integrated file system directories that are used to store the WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries queue manager data by executing the following command:
     WRKLNK OBJ('/QIBM/UserData/mqm/qmgrs/*')

    Note the names of all the integrated file system directories that are prefixed with "WAS_". To display the complete directory name, position the cursor over each directory and press F22.

  8. Save the integrated file system directories for the WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries queue managers using the following command:
    SAV DEV('/QSYS.lib/wsalib.lib/SaveFileName.file')

    Where SaveFileName is the name of the save file that is to contain the saved data and DirectoryName is the name of each queue manager integrated file system directory identified in the previous step. For example:

     SAV DEV('/QSYS.lib/wsalib.lib/wsqmsavf.file')                 