Security constraint assembly settings

Use the Security constraints panel to configure security constraints.

To view this Application Assembly Tool (AAT) panel, open an existing or create a new Web module. Right-click Security Constraints from the left navigation menu. Click New.

If multiple security constraints are specified, the container uses the "first match wins" rule when processing a request to determine what authentication method to use, or what authorization to allow

Security constraint name

Specifies the name of the security constraint.
Data type String

Authorization Constraints - Roles

Specifies the user roles that are permitted access to this resource collection.
Data type String

Authorization Constraints - Description

Contains a description of the authorization constraints
Data type String

User Data Constraints - Transport guarantee

Indicates how data communicated between the client and the server is to be protected.

Specifies that the protection for communications between the client and server is None, Integral, or Confidential.

  • None means that the application does not require any transport guarantees.
  • Integral means that the application requires that the data sent between the client and the server must be sent in such a way that it cannot be changed in transit.
  • Confidential means that the application requires that the data must be transmitted in a way that prevents other entities from observing the contents of the transmission.

In most cases, Integral or Confidential indicates that the use of SSL is required.

Data type String

User Data Constraints - Description

Contains a description of the user data constraints.
Data type String