Internal messaging configuration settings

Use this page to set advanced configurations for Memory to Memory session replication.

To view this administrative console page, click Servers > Application Servers > server > Dynamic Cache Service> Cache replication > Enable cache replication .

The advanced replication settings include fields for choosing the initial replicator entry that connects to the replicator domains. As an alternative, you can specify the IP addresses and ports (of the form address:port) for connection to replicators outside of the cell that the server is administered under. By default, if a replicator is defined on the server you are configuring, that server is the one chosen for cache replication. Select the advanced properties only if you want to deviate from the default setting.

Configuration tab

Internal messaging server

Specifies a domain from which your data will be replicated. Depending on the domain you choose to replicate the data, you can choose any of the replicators defined under that domain. Use the default domain or choose one from the drop down window.

Runtime mode

Specifies the global sharing policy for this server.

The following settings are available:

  • Both push and pull sends the cache ID of newly updated content to other servers in the replication domain. Then, if one of the other servers requests the content, and that server has the ID of the cache entry for the previously updated content, it will retrieve the content from the publishing server. On the other hand, if a request is made for an ID which has not been previously published, the server assumes it does not exist in the cluster and creates a new entry.
  • Push only sends the cache ID and cache content of new content to all other servers in the replication domain.
  • The sharing policy of Not Shared results in the cache ID and cache content not being shared with other servers in the replication domain.

The default setting for a non-clustered environment is Not Shared. When enabling replication, the default value is Push only.

Push frequency

Specifies the time in seconds to wait before pushing new or modified cache entries to other servers. A value of 0 (zero) means send immediately.

Set this property to a value greater than 0 (zero) causes a "batch" push of all cache entries that are created or modified during the time period.

Default 0 (equivalent to immediate)