EJB binding settings
Use this page to configure a new EJB binding, or to view or edit an existing EJB binding.
To view this administrative console page, click Environment > Naming > Name Space Bindings > EJB_namespace_binding.
Configuration tab
- Scope
- Shows the scope of the configured binding. This value indicates the configuration location for the namebindings.xml file. This field is for information purposes only and cannot be updated.
If the configured binding is cell-scoped, the starting context is the cell persistent root context. If the configured binding is node-scoped, the starting context is the node persistent root context. If the configured binding is server-scoped, the starting context is the server's server root context.
- Binding Type
- Shows the type of binding configured. Possible choices are String, EJB, CORBA, and Indirect. This field is for information purposes only and cannot be updated.
- Binding Identifier
- Specifies the name that uniquely identifies this configured binding.
- Name in Name Space
- Specifies the name used for this binding in the name space. This name can be a simple or compound name depending on the portion of the name space where this binding is configured.
- Enterprise Bean Location
- Specifies whether the enterprise bean is running in a server cluster or a single server. If Single Server is specified, type the node name.
- Server
- Specifies the name of the cluster or non-clustered server in which the enterprise bean is configured.
- JNDI Name
- Specifies the JNDI name of the deployed enterprise bean (the bean's JNDI name that is in the enterprise bean bindings--not the java:comp name)