WebSphere MQ queue settings (MQ Config)

Use this panel to view or change the configuration properties defined to WebSphere MQ for the selected queue destination.

A queue destination is used to configure the properties of a JMS queue. A queue for use with the WebSphere MQ JMS provider has the following extra properties defined to WebSphere MQ.


To view this administrative console page, click Resources-> WebSphere MQ JMS Provider-> (In content pane, under Additional Properties) WebSphere MQ Queue Destinations-> destination_name-> (In content pane, under Additional Properties) MQ Config

Base queue name

The name of the queue to which messages are sent, on the queue manager specified by the Base queue manager name property.
Data type String

Base queue manager name

The name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager to which messages are sent.

This queue manager provides the queue specified by the Base queue name property.

Data type String

Queue manager host

The name of host for the queue manager on which the queue destination is created.
Data type String

Queue manager port

The number of the port used by the queue manager on which this queue is defined.
Data type Integer
Range A valid TCP/IP port number. This port must be configured on the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

Server connection channel name

The name of the channel used for connection to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
Data type String
Range 1 through 20 ASCII characters

User ID

The user ID used, with the Password property, for authentication when connecting to the queue manager to define the queue destination.

If you specify a value for the User name property, specify a value for the Password property.

Data type String


The password, used with the User name property, for authentication when connecting to the queue manager to define the queue destination.

If you specify a value for the User name property, specify a value for the Password property.

Data type String


The name of the queue defined to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
Data type String
Range 1 through 48 ASCII characters.


The WebSphere MQ queue description, for administrative purposes within WebSphere MQ.
Data type String
Default Null
Range 1 through 64 ASCII characters.

Inhibit Put

Whether or not put operations are allowed for this queue.
Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default Cleared


Put operations are allowed for this queue.

Not allowed

Put operations are not allowed for this queue.


Whether all messages sent to the destination are persistent, non-persistent, or have their persistence defined by the application
Data type Enum
Units Not applicable

Application defined

Messages on the destination have their persistence defined by the application that put them onto the queue.

Queue defined

[WebSphere MQ destination only] Messages on the destination have their persistence defined by the WebSphere MQ queue definition properties.


Messages on the destination are persistent.

Non persistent

Messages on the destination are not persistent.

Cluster name

The name of the cluster to which the WebSphere MQ queue manager belongs.

If you specify a value for Cluster name, you cannot specify a value for Cluster name list. Cluster names must conform to the rules described in the WebSphere MQ MQSC Command Reference book.

Data type String
Default Null
Range A valid WebSphere MQ name for a queue manager cluster, as 1 through 48 ASCII characters

Cluster name list

The name of the cluster namelist to which the WebSphere MQ queue manager belongs.

If you specify a value for Cluster name, you cannot specify a value for Cluster name list.

Data type String
Default Null
Range A valid WebSphere MQ name for a list of queue manager clusters, as 1 through 48 ASCII characters

Default Binding

The default binding to be used when the queue is defined as a cluster queue.
Data type Enum
Default Null
Range A

On open

The queue handle is bound to a specific instance of the cluster queue when the queue is opened.

Not fixed

The queue handle is not bound to any particular instance of the cluster queue. This allows the queue manager to select a specific queue instance when the message is put, and to change that selection subsequently should the need arise.

Inhibit Get

Whether or not get operations are allowed for this queue.
Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default Cleared


Get operations are allowed for this queue.

Not allowed

Get operations are not allowed for this queue.

Maximum queue depth

The maximum number of messages allowed on the queue.
Data type Integer
Units Messages
Range A value greater than or equal to zero, and less than or equal to:

  • 999 999 999 if the queue is on OS/390
  • 640 000 if the queue is on any other WebSphere MQ platform

For more information about the maximum value allowed, see the WebSphere MQ MQSC Command Reference.

If this value is reduced, any message that is already on the queue are not affected, even if the number of messages exceeds the new maximum.

Maximum Message Length

The maximum length, in bytes, of messages on this queue.
Data type Integer
Units Bytes
Range A value greater than or equal to zero, and less than or equal to the maximum message length for the queue manager and WebSphere MQ platform. For more information about the maximum value allowed, see the WebSphere MQ MQSC Command Reference.

If this value is reduced, any message that is already on the queue are not affected, even if the message length exceeds the new maximum.


Whether multiple applications can get messages from this queue.
Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default Not shareable

Not shareable

Only one application instance can get messages from the queue.


More than one application instance can get messages from the queue.

Input Open Option

The default share option for applications opening this queue for input
Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default Cleared


The open request is for exclusive input from the queue.


The open request is for shared input from the queue.

Message Delivery Sequence

The order in which messages are delivered from the queue in response to get requests.
Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default Priority


Messages are delivered in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order within priority. This is the default supplied with WebSphere MQ, but your installation might have changed it.


Messages are delivered in FIFO order. Priority is ignored for messages on this queue.

Backout threshold

The maximum number of times that a message can be backed out. If this threshold is reached, the message is requeued on the backout queue specified by the Backout Requeue name property.

The WebSphere MQ queue manager keeps a record of the number of times that each message has been backed out. When this number reaches a configurable threshold, the connection consumer requeues the message on a named backout queue. If this requeue fails for any reason, the message is removed from the queue and either requeued to the dead-letter queue, or discarded.

Data type Integer
Default 0


Never requeue messages

1 or more

The number of times that a message has been backed, at which the message is requeued on a named backout queue.

Backout Requeue name

The name of the backout queue to which messages are requeued if they have been backed out more than the backout threshold.

The WebSphere MQ queue manager keeps a record of the number of times that each message has been backed out. When this number reaches a configurable threshold, the connection consumer requeues the message on a named backout queue. If this requeue fails for any reason, the message is removed from the queue and either requeued to the dead-letter queue, or discarded.

Data type String
Default Null
Range 1 through 48 characters.

Harden Get Backout

Whether hardening should be used to ensure that the count of the number of times that a message has been backed out is accurate.
Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default Cleared

Not hardened

The count is not hardened. This is the default supplied with WebSphere MQ, but your installation might have changed it.


The count is hardened.