Example: Migrating - Installing a JDBC driver
The following examples demonstrate how to install a JDBC driver in the WebSphere Application Server V4.0 and V5.0:
- wscp V4.0
In the WebSphere Application Server V4.0, create the JDBC driver and then install it.
JDBCDriver create /JDBCDriver:mydriver/ -attribute {{ImplClass COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource}} JDBCDriver install /JDBCDriver:mydriver/ -node /Node:mynode/ -jarFile c:/SQLLIB/java/db2java.zip- wsadmin V5.0
In the WebSphere Application Server V5.0, there is no separate installation step. The JAR file name in the V4.0 installation step is replaced by the classpath attribute on the V5.0 JDBC provider object. In V5.0, resources can exist at the server, node, or cell level of the configuration.
set node [$AdminConfig getid /Node:mynode/] $AdminConfig create JDBCProvider $node {{classpath c:/SQLLIB/java/db2java.zip} {implementationClassName COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource} {name mydriver}} $AdminConfig save