Basic configuration scenario: Message-driven beans

This scenario shows you how to configure WebSphere Application Server for the message-driven beans sample application. The message-driven beans sample application is a part of the WebSphere Application Server samples gallery, which provides a set of small, generic samples that show how to perform common enterprise application tasks. For more information about the samples gallery, see WebSphere Application Server samples gallery in the Installation topic.

Overview of the message-driven beans scenario

To configure and deploy the message-driven beans sample application to a WebSphere Application Server instance, follow these steps:

Step 1: Verify the prerequisites
Make sure that you meet the necessary prerequisites for the scenario.

Step 2: Assemble the application
Package the sample application for deployment.

Step 3: Configure the server
Set up JMS resources needed for the message-driven beans sample application.

Step 4: Deploy the application
Install the application into your application server.

Step 5: Verify the application
Verify that the application was successfully deployed and that it works correctly.

Continue Next: Verify the prerequisites