Step 3: Configure the server

You can create multiple WebSphere Application Server instances (each containing a single application server) on a single iSeries server. Use multiple instances to create separate environments for application development and application testing. It is recommended that you create a new Websphere Application Server instance to configure the HitCount application sample in order to preserve the Default Server with its sample configuration.

  1. Create a new instance
    Create a new WebSphere Application Server instance to run the sample application.

  2. Start the instance
    After you create the instance, start the instance.

  3. Create the database tables
    Create the underlying database table required by the HitCount sample application.

  4. Configure the instance
    The instance must be configured with a JDBC provider and data source before the application can be deployed to the instance.

  5. Set up security (optional)
    The WebSphere Application Server security system controls access to resources and the administrative console. Perform this step to enable security.

Continue Next: Create a new instance