Assemble the application: Prepare the message-driven beans sample application
One of the benefits of WebSphere Application Server is that it does not matter where the source code files for the application are developed. You can assemble the application on any workstation supported by the product, and then deploy the application to an application server installed on any of the supported WebSphere Application Server platforms. This scenario demonstrates how to package an application you have written. The scenario does not describe how to write the application itself. For more information about programming applications for WebSphere Application Server, see the Application development topic.
The sample application source files are located in the /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/samples/src/MessageDrivenBeans/com directory. Follow these steps to obtain the source code files for the message-driven beans sample application and copy them into a new directory:
Enter the Start Qshell (STRQSH) command on an OS/400 command line.
To create your sample application directory, enter this command on the Qshell command line:
mkdir /mdbsampCopy the message-driven beans sample application files and the corresponding directory structure to the directory you created. Enter this command:
cp -R /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/samples/src/MessageDrivenBeans/com /mdbsampChange directory to your sample application directory. On the Qshell command line, enter this command:
cd /mdbsampThe message-driven beans sample application has two parts: A Point-to-Point sample application and a Publish and Subscribe sample application. For this scenario, only Publish and Subscribe is configured; therefore, it is necessary to delete the files and folders associated with the Point-to-Point sample application. Failure to do so will cause errors in assembly. On the Qshell command line, enter this command:
rm -R com/ibm/websphere/samples/messaging/ptop