Assemble the application: Package the Web application files

The application assembly tool requires a JAR file for input when creating a Web module. Follow these steps to package the message-driven beans servlet and .class files into a JAR file:

  1. Enter the Start Qshell (STRQSH) command on an OS/400 command line.

  2. Change directory to your sample application directory. On the Qshell command line, enter this command:

    cd /mdbsamp
  3. Package the enterprise bean file and its associated .class file into a JAR file named mdb.jar. Enter this command:

    jar cf mdb.jar com/ibm/websphere/samples/messaging/pubsub/JMSpsSampleMDBBean.*
  4. Package the application client file and its associated .class files into a JAR file named client.jar. Enter this command:

    jar cf client.jar com/ibm/websphere/samples/messaging/pubsub/JMSpsSampleClient.*

Continue Next: Assemble the EJB module